trans. (T. Onoma)
What's the proper way to uninstall RubyGems?
If you wonder why I'd want to:
1. Screwy error messages.
2. RUBYOPT causes conflict with RPA and compiling Ruby.
3. I like setup.rb best anyway.
What I like about it that I will miss?
1. Command line interface is well done.
2. Version control is a very nice feature.
3. Love the name.
Unfortunately the later doesn't quite overcome the former, at least for my
If you wonder why I'd want to:
1. Screwy error messages.
2. RUBYOPT causes conflict with RPA and compiling Ruby.
3. I like setup.rb best anyway.
What I like about it that I will miss?
1. Command line interface is well done.
2. Version control is a very nice feature.
3. Love the name.
Unfortunately the later doesn't quite overcome the former, at least for my