Ok, here's a new version. It now generalizes the wrapping, so it's
trivial to add it to new enumerable classes:
class EnumerableProxy < Object
instance_methods.each { |meth| undef_method(meth) unless meth.to_s =~
/^__/ }
def initialize(obj, meth, *args)
@obj = obj
@meth = meth
@args = args
def method_missing(meth, *args, &block)
@obj.send(@meth, *@args) { |item| item.send meth, *args, &block }
module Enumerable
@@meth_cache = Hash.new
def self.meth_cache
# I'm using a string for module_eval instead of a block
# because using a block necessitates using define_method,
# and methods created with define_method can't handle a block
# (because Proc's can't handle blocks)
def self.wrap_meth(klass, meth)
meth_sym = meth.to_sym.inspect
klass.module_eval <<-END
meth = instance_method(#{meth_sym})
Enumerable.meth_cache[#{klass.name}] ||= Hash.new
Enumerable.meth_cache[#{klass.name}][#{meth_sym}] = meth
def #{meth.to_s}(&blk)
if blk
meth = Enumerable.meth_cache[#{klass.name}][#{meth_sym}]
EnumerableProxy.new(self, #{meth_sym})
wrap_meth self, :collect
Enumerable.wrap_meth Array, :each
Enumerable.wrap_meth Array, :collect
Enumerable.wrap_meth Array, :collect!
Unfortunately, due to limitations in Proc (documented in the comment
above), I had to use the ugly string form of module_eval.
I also had to use a method cache on Enumerable itself instead of the
individual classes, becuase when I tried it on the individual classes
it wasn't working right (seemed to be accessing Enumerable anyway, so I
was getting cross-class method binding issues).
Be careful when using irb with this, as it the proxy can cause
confusion (since the proxy forwards #inspect along with everything
else). Normally calling #collect without a block is basically the same
as calling #to_a, so "foo".collect normally returns ["foo"]. However,
once you've loaded this code, "foo".collect returns an EnumerableProxy
object, which irb will display as just "foo" because it'll forward the
#inspect message irb sends on to "foo".
Usage of this is pretty easy. Wrap any methods you want with
Enumerable.wrap_method class, :method. Of course it only makes sense on
enumerable methods. Feel free to wrap any more of Enumerable's
built-ins, and any classes you want to use #each with you have to wrap
separately (along with any class-specific implementations of Enumerable
methods, like Array#collect). Interestingly, this seems to work
perfectly fine on destructive methods like Array#collect!.
At this point I'm considering wrapping this up in a gem for
distribution. Any thoughts?