Rob Muhlestein
Looking for a combination of readpartial() and readline() in order to
safely read a line of maxlen. IO.readline() appears to suffer from lacking
this maximum allowing DOS against servers reading HTTP headers, for
example, just by using sock.readline() alone, which is what
Net::HTTPResponse and others do:
1974 class << HTTPResponse
1975 def read_new(sock) #:nodoc: internal use only 1976 httpv,
code, msg = read_status_line(sock) 1977 res =
response_class(code).new(httpv, code, msg) 1978
each_response_header(sock) do |k,v| 1979 res.add_field k, v
1980 end
1981 res
1982 end
1984 private
1986 def read_status_line(sock) 1987 str = sock.readline
1988 m =
/\AHTTP(?:\/(\d+\.\d+))?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/in.match(str) o r
1989 raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line: #{str.dump}"
1990 m.captures
1991 end
I know this is fundamentally a problem with the popular readline C libs
out there. Wish they had an nreadline like the sprintf and snprintf
additional function. Sure I could readchar() or readbytes() watching each
read for a newline, but that is just unfun. Have I overlooked something
obvious in my search? Hoping to not have to write my own safe/buffered IO
layer like I've had to do with other langs.
If there is enough interest, maybe I'll hack a readmaxline() method into
an IO patch to submit. Actually, on second thought, how about adding a
second parameter:
The tough question would then be whether to raise an LineTooLong exception
or just return what could be read of the line up to that point.
safely read a line of maxlen. IO.readline() appears to suffer from lacking
this maximum allowing DOS against servers reading HTTP headers, for
example, just by using sock.readline() alone, which is what
Net::HTTPResponse and others do:
1974 class << HTTPResponse
1975 def read_new(sock) #:nodoc: internal use only 1976 httpv,
code, msg = read_status_line(sock) 1977 res =
response_class(code).new(httpv, code, msg) 1978
each_response_header(sock) do |k,v| 1979 res.add_field k, v
1980 end
1981 res
1982 end
1984 private
1986 def read_status_line(sock) 1987 str = sock.readline
1988 m =
/\AHTTP(?:\/(\d+\.\d+))?\s+(\d\d\d)\s*(.*)\z/in.match(str) o r
1989 raise HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line: #{str.dump}"
1990 m.captures
1991 end
I know this is fundamentally a problem with the popular readline C libs
out there. Wish they had an nreadline like the sprintf and snprintf
additional function. Sure I could readchar() or readbytes() watching each
read for a newline, but that is just unfun. Have I overlooked something
obvious in my search? Hoping to not have to write my own safe/buffered IO
layer like I've had to do with other langs.
If there is enough interest, maybe I'll hack a readmaxline() method into
an IO patch to submit. Actually, on second thought, how about adding a
second parameter:
The tough question would then be whether to raise an LineTooLong exception
or just return what could be read of the line up to that point.