I've got a repeater with several text boxes and radiobuttonlist's on
it and submit button to process changes in the text fields. The data
loads fine, but the problem is my code isn't seeing any changes to the
textboxes when I submit. So basically, when I step through the code
the value assigned to txtPrice is the same as when the page loaded
rather than what I changed it to. Any ideas what I missed? Don't worry
I can translate C# if you send an edit. Whatever is easier
Private Sub update()
Dim txtPrice As TextBox = New TextBox()
Dim rblParty As RadioButtonList = New RadioButtonList()
Dim strPrice As String = Nothing
Dim strParty As String = Nothing
For Each dataItem As RepeaterItem In Repeater1.Items
txtPrice = CType(dataItem.FindControl("rptxtPrice"),
rblParty = CType(dataItem.FindControl("rblParty"),
strPrice = txtPrice.Text.ToString().Trim()
strParty = rblParty.SelectedValue.ToString ().Trim()
'updatePrices(, , , ...)
End Sub
it and submit button to process changes in the text fields. The data
loads fine, but the problem is my code isn't seeing any changes to the
textboxes when I submit. So basically, when I step through the code
the value assigned to txtPrice is the same as when the page loaded
rather than what I changed it to. Any ideas what I missed? Don't worry
I can translate C# if you send an edit. Whatever is easier
Private Sub update()
Dim txtPrice As TextBox = New TextBox()
Dim rblParty As RadioButtonList = New RadioButtonList()
Dim strPrice As String = Nothing
Dim strParty As String = Nothing
For Each dataItem As RepeaterItem In Repeater1.Items
txtPrice = CType(dataItem.FindControl("rptxtPrice"),
rblParty = CType(dataItem.FindControl("rblParty"),
strPrice = txtPrice.Text.ToString().Trim()
strParty = rblParty.SelectedValue.ToString ().Trim()
'updatePrices(, , , ...)
End Sub