Hi All,
Let me start by saying that's I'm relatively new to Python, so please
be gentle!
I need to up upload a file to a Tomcat web app using httplib. The web
app requires the following:
Files need to be split into 100kb (102400b) and each file segment
loaded using the PUT request. It is also a requirement that the
following headers be sent:
For simplicity I've used an image (jpg) smaller than 100kb, so it
doesn't need to be chunked
headers = {
"Accept": "text/xml",
"Authorization": "testAuthHeader",
"Content-Length": 50172,
"Content-Range": "bytes 0-50172/50172",
"Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
"If-Match": "1",
"User-Agent": "(en-IE; Grinder)",
I make the following connection:
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
conn.request(method, uriStr, body, additionalHeaders)
method = PUT
uriStr is the web app specific URI
body is the raw data (bytes) from the jpg image
additionalHeaders are the headers above
For some reason I keep getting a Status 400 error from the web server.
Is it possible to PUT (or POST?) data in this fashion using httplib?
Many thanks for your help
Let me start by saying that's I'm relatively new to Python, so please
be gentle!
I need to up upload a file to a Tomcat web app using httplib. The web
app requires the following:
Files need to be split into 100kb (102400b) and each file segment
loaded using the PUT request. It is also a requirement that the
following headers be sent:
For simplicity I've used an image (jpg) smaller than 100kb, so it
doesn't need to be chunked
headers = {
"Accept": "text/xml",
"Authorization": "testAuthHeader",
"Content-Length": 50172,
"Content-Range": "bytes 0-50172/50172",
"Content-Type": "image/jpeg",
"If-Match": "1",
"User-Agent": "(en-IE; Grinder)",
I make the following connection:
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection(url)
conn.request(method, uriStr, body, additionalHeaders)
method = PUT
uriStr is the web app specific URI
body is the raw data (bytes) from the jpg image
additionalHeaders are the headers above
For some reason I keep getting a Status 400 error from the web server.
Is it possible to PUT (or POST?) data in this fashion using httplib?
Many thanks for your help