techy techno
Hii I am trying to write down a cdont aplication which will email the
survey form to the TO address with the answers checked by the user using
the survey form
I am 100% sure that there is nothing wrong in the code then why is it
not working.
It doesn't work on my machine or it works on the usa web server. whats
wrong. ?
what I have seen is that until I had 2 questions everything was fine.
but the time I added more questions it stopped working
is it that the CDONTS is limited to the number of characters it can send
please help
<%Response.Buffer = True %>
Dim objMail
Dim MailBody
Dim kaun
Dim reserv
Dim reception
Dim House
Dim Food
Dim Staff
DIm hear
reserv = Request.Form("handled")
reception = Request.Form("recep")
House =Request.Form("clean")
Food = Request.Form("meal")
Staff = Request.Form("opi")
hear = Request.Form("hear")
kaun = request.Form("txtKaun")
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MailBody = "Name :" + Request.Form("fromName") + "!" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
+ " Email :" + Request.Form("fromEmail") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Phone # " + Request.Form("txtPhone") + vbCrLf +
vbCrLf + "Country : " + Request.Form("select6") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "http://www.hawarresort.com/" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf +
vbCrLf + "Sent by " + Request.Form("FromName")
MailBody = MailBody + " using the Survey Form at
http://www.hawarresort.com" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "FEEDBACK" +
vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q1. How was your reservation Handled ? " +
vbCrLf + "Ans : " + Request.Form("handled") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q2. How was your checkin at the Reception ? " +
vbCrLf + "Ans: " + Request.Form("recep") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q3. How was the Housekeeping Service and
Cleanliness ?" + vbCrLf + "Ans: " + Request.Form("clean") + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q4. How was the Food and Beverage Service and
Quality ? " + vbCrlF + "Ans: " + Request.Form("meal")
MailBody = MailBody + "Q5. Your Opinion about the Staff ?" + vbCrLf +
"Ans: " + Request.Form("opi") + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody +"Q6. How did you know about the Hawar Resort Hotel
? " + vbCrLf + "Ans: " + Request.Form("hear") + ""
objMail.Subject = "New Survey Feedback By : " +
objMail.To = kaun
objMail.Body = MailBody
'You should always do this with CDONTS.
set objMail = nothing
survey form to the TO address with the answers checked by the user using
the survey form
I am 100% sure that there is nothing wrong in the code then why is it
not working.
It doesn't work on my machine or it works on the usa web server. whats
wrong. ?
what I have seen is that until I had 2 questions everything was fine.
but the time I added more questions it stopped working
is it that the CDONTS is limited to the number of characters it can send
please help
<%Response.Buffer = True %>
Dim objMail
Dim MailBody
Dim kaun
Dim reserv
Dim reception
Dim House
Dim Food
Dim Staff
DIm hear
reserv = Request.Form("handled")
reception = Request.Form("recep")
House =Request.Form("clean")
Food = Request.Form("meal")
Staff = Request.Form("opi")
hear = Request.Form("hear")
kaun = request.Form("txtKaun")
Set objMail = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.NewMail")
MailBody = "Name :" + Request.Form("fromName") + "!" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
+ " Email :" + Request.Form("fromEmail") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Phone # " + Request.Form("txtPhone") + vbCrLf +
vbCrLf + "Country : " + Request.Form("select6") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "http://www.hawarresort.com/" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf +
vbCrLf + "Sent by " + Request.Form("FromName")
MailBody = MailBody + " using the Survey Form at
http://www.hawarresort.com" + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + vbCrLf + "FEEDBACK" +
vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q1. How was your reservation Handled ? " +
vbCrLf + "Ans : " + Request.Form("handled") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q2. How was your checkin at the Reception ? " +
vbCrLf + "Ans: " + Request.Form("recep") + vbCrLf + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q3. How was the Housekeeping Service and
Cleanliness ?" + vbCrLf + "Ans: " + Request.Form("clean") + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody + "Q4. How was the Food and Beverage Service and
Quality ? " + vbCrlF + "Ans: " + Request.Form("meal")
MailBody = MailBody + "Q5. Your Opinion about the Staff ?" + vbCrLf +
"Ans: " + Request.Form("opi") + vbCrLf
MailBody = MailBody +"Q6. How did you know about the Hawar Resort Hotel
? " + vbCrLf + "Ans: " + Request.Form("hear") + ""
objMail.Subject = "New Survey Feedback By : " +
objMail.To = kaun
objMail.Body = MailBody
'You should always do this with CDONTS.
set objMail = nothing