What I want to achieve ...
Display file names from sql server database,
on click the file should open up using test.exe file.
Using the following code, I am able to display the
files and click on related link, however, I can't
get to pass on the filename. I would also like to bypass
the message 'Open/Save/Save as' and directly be able
to open the file.
Herebelow is the code I have, will appreciate if someone
could help me asap as I am in urgent need.
Thanks in advance,
----------- starts here --------
I have the following as part of asp code ...
Response.write "Test data start" & "<br>" & "<br>"
Set NewRs = Conn.Execute(localSQLString)
Do While NOT NewRs.EOF
FileName = NewRs("FileName")
Response.write "File Name = " & FileName & "<br>"
Response.write "<a "
Response.write "href=J:\test.exe FileName"
Response.write "TARGET=main/a>"
Response.write "<br>" & "Test data end"
----------- ends here ----------
Display file names from sql server database,
on click the file should open up using test.exe file.
Using the following code, I am able to display the
files and click on related link, however, I can't
get to pass on the filename. I would also like to bypass
the message 'Open/Save/Save as' and directly be able
to open the file.
Herebelow is the code I have, will appreciate if someone
could help me asap as I am in urgent need.
Thanks in advance,
----------- starts here --------
I have the following as part of asp code ...
Response.write "Test data start" & "<br>" & "<br>"
Set NewRs = Conn.Execute(localSQLString)
Do While NOT NewRs.EOF
FileName = NewRs("FileName")
Response.write "File Name = " & FileName & "<br>"
Response.write "<a "
Response.write "href=J:\test.exe FileName"
Response.write "TARGET=main/a>"
Response.write "<br>" & "Test data end"
----------- ends here ----------