Use UltraEdit run Python
Run UltraEdit
Menu :Advanced menu/Tool Configuration command
Command Line: python %n%e
Working Directory:%p
Menu Item Name: run python
checked "Save Active File"
Command Output (DOS Commands ONLY)
checked " Capture the output to a list box "
click button "insert"
%P Path only ("C:\project\test\")
%N fileName only ("test")
%E Extension only (".py")
%P%N%E is equal to %F which is ("C:\project\test\test.py") in the example
#Welcome Messages! This is test!
print 'welcome to Python world!!! '
run *.py
Menu: Advanced menu/run python
Run UltraEdit
Menu :Advanced menu/Tool Configuration command
Command Line: python %n%e
Working Directory:%p
Menu Item Name: run python
checked "Save Active File"
Command Output (DOS Commands ONLY)
checked " Capture the output to a list box "
click button "insert"
%P Path only ("C:\project\test\")
%N fileName only ("test")
%E Extension only (".py")
%P%N%E is equal to %F which is ("C:\project\test\test.py") in the example
#Welcome Messages! This is test!
print 'welcome to Python world!!! '
run *.py
Menu: Advanced menu/run python