Okay, here is my message:
The base class includes the field 'Preview1', but its type
(ICUser.uCtrlPreview) is not compatible with the type of control
What I am trying to do is use a user control I created in a page. This
control is a composite of an image and a couple of labels. I wanted include
properties through the code behind. So I have my ascx file with it's
codebehind file. In my ascx file I have this tag:
<%@ Control Inherits="uCtrlPreview" src="uCtrlPreview.vb" %>
(uCtrlPreview.vb being the codebehind)
In my page I have these lines:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="UserControl" TagName="PrevImg" Src="previewImg.ascx"
USERCONTROLrevImg id="Preview1" runat="Server"></USERCONTROLrevImg>
In the codebehind for the page I have:
Protected WithEvents Preview1 As uCtrlPreview
So, what am I doing wrong?
The base class includes the field 'Preview1', but its type
(ICUser.uCtrlPreview) is not compatible with the type of control
What I am trying to do is use a user control I created in a page. This
control is a composite of an image and a couple of labels. I wanted include
properties through the code behind. So I have my ascx file with it's
codebehind file. In my ascx file I have this tag:
<%@ Control Inherits="uCtrlPreview" src="uCtrlPreview.vb" %>
(uCtrlPreview.vb being the codebehind)
In my page I have these lines:
<%@ Register TagPrefix="UserControl" TagName="PrevImg" Src="previewImg.ascx"
USERCONTROLrevImg id="Preview1" runat="Server"></USERCONTROLrevImg>
In the codebehind for the page I have:
Protected WithEvents Preview1 As uCtrlPreview
So, what am I doing wrong?