Hi ,
I am trying to insert few elements of type
midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail with integer as key in to a map
using transform funtion, I am getting the following error
transform( oIndex.begin(), oIndex.end(), poBrowseInfo-
bpstl::vector<midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail > >);
Error #312: no suitable user-defined conversion from
allocator<midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail>>::value_type" to "const
allocator<midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail>>" exists
How can I solve this problem
I am trying to insert few elements of type
midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail with integer as key in to a map
using transform funtion, I am getting the following error
transform( oIndex.begin(), oIndex.end(), poBrowseInfo-
(*m_poDataMap).end()), bpstl::make_pair< tU32,BrowseInfo.MPItemDetail.begin(), inserter(*m_poDataMap,
bpstl::vector<midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail > >);
Error #312: no suitable user-defined conversion from
allocator<midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail>>::value_type" to "const
allocator<midw_fi_tcl_AuxCtrlExt_MPItemDetail>>" exists
How can I solve this problem