Phillip said:
And a question you might want to ask yourself: Do I want to be starring
on DailyWTF as "the developer before me"?
Haha, point taken. I'm not familiar with metaprogramming or marshall.
I'm looking into both.
ara.t.howard wrote:
did you read my code?
I did, but I must not understand all of it. Sorry.
ara.t.howard said:
why don't you spell out your exact problem and we can show you how.
My db schema has a 'templates' table, a 'fields' table as well as a
'template_fields' join table that connects 'fields' to 'templates'.
'fields' needs to contain information to produce a customized text
string for a particular object. Intuitively, I thought I needed to store
string generating code as a string in 'fields' and execute it against my
object. It was suggested I could do that like this:
person.instance_eval field.code
I use the resulting string and the field's 'name' to assemble a hash for
each field connected to a template:
rehash = {}
for field in template.fields
rehash[] = person.instance_eval field.code
I then use the hash of generated strings and field names for a find and
replace function.