Using Checkbox for assigning items


Chris Hohmann

Bill said:
No, that's not what I mean. I know how to get the names off the
submitted form. What I don't understand is how to grab the value of
checked or not checked.

For example,

if checkbox1=checked then
do this
do that
end if

This should work, but the opposite is happening. The above code will
process those that are not checked, and ignore those that are, so I
can't figure out how to assigned the checked value to the name. If it's
checked, do I write checked, or selected, or what?

<input type="Hidden" name="CategoryID" value="222">
<input type="Checkbox" name="BookIDs" value="101">Name of book whose ID
is 101<br>
<input type="Checkbox" name="BookIDs" value="102">Name of book whose ID
is 102<br>
<input type="Checkbox" name="BookIDs" value="103">Name of book whose ID
is 103<br>
<input type="Checkbox" name="BookIDs" value="104">Name of book whose ID
is 104<br>

sql = _
"INSERT INTO CategoryBook (CategoryID,BookID)" & vbCRLF &_
"SELECT " & Request.Form("CategoryID") & " AS CategoryID, BookID" &
vbCRLF &_
"FROM Book" & vbCRLF &_
"WHERE BookID IN (" & Request.Form("BookIDs") & ")"
Set cn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
cn.Open "File Name = C:\SomePathOutsideAppRoot\MyConnection.UDL"
cn.Execute sql,,&H81

1. In future posts, please provide database, version and table structure
information as this will often result in a responses crafted to suit
your particular environment.
2. When something is not working as expected, please post code. Just
enough to allow readers/responders to understand your methodology and
reproduce the behavior.
3. When dealing with databases, if a query is not behaving as expected,
Response.Write the SQL statement and cut and paste the generated text
into the Access Query Design Grid/SQL Server Query Analyzer. These query
building environments provide a richer feature set than ASP for
analyzing/debugging SQL statements.
4. The above is obviously not code-complete. Please make sure you
perform due diligence. Close/destroy all objects, validate parameters,
include error handling, etc...
5. Once the above code is working, please consider encapsulating the
insertion logic into a parameterized query/stored procedure. If the
database supports full-fledged stored procedures (SQL Server, Oracle,
MySQL 5.0, etc...) then you should also consider implementing a
set-based solution to passing an array of values into stored procedures.
Here's a link with more information on that topic.



I have a catalog of books which need to be categorized into different
groups. Some of the books can be listed under more than one category.
I'm creating a page where I can assign a group of books to a category
by checking the checkbox next to their name (say I've looped out 100
of them, and check some, and not others) then submitting the form for
processing, so that those titles where the checkbox is checked will
get the categoryid number assigned to them on a one-to-many table

I need to know how to read the checkbox value as it comes in if it is
selected or not, if it is, I'll send the isbn in one direction, and if
not, I won't send it at all.

So, how would I read this on the sheet that grabs the values?




No, that's not what I mean. I know how to get the names off the
submitted form. What I don't understand is how to grab the value of
checked or not checked.

For example,

if checkbox1=checked then
do this
do that
end if

This should work, but the opposite is happening. The above code will
process those that are not checked, and ignore those that are, so I
can't figure out how to assigned the checked value to the name. If it's
checked, do I write checked, or selected, or what?



WIlliam Morris

I face this issue quite a lot. My solution is to accompany each checkbox
with a hidden control, both similarly named, as in:

<input type="checkbox" name="chkBookNumber1"> Book Title
<input type="hidden" name="hidBookNumber1" value="(checked=1, not

When the form is submitted, I compare the two.
If the hidden control is 1 and the checkbox is "empty": it was selected,
now it's not
If the hidden control is 1 and the checkbox is 1: nothing's changed
If the hidden control is 0 and the checkbox is "empty": it was not
selected, nothing's changed
If the hidden control is 0 and the checkbox is 1: it wasn't selected,
now it is

Takes a bit of processing, but it's worth it.

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