Al said:
Hi everyone,
I found the need to access a text based file to create my vector stimuli.
Basically I use procedures which will send hexadecimal values in the
correct protocol, but so far I've always added "manually" the values in
the testbench in the following way:
send_data ("abcd");
send_data ("1234");
send_data ("a0a0");
send_data ("ffff");
send_data ("5aa5");
With this approach if I want to add other commands I need to add new lines
and compile it again.
I thought that using a file to set the value contents will save me from
compiling again every time, is this correct?
Yes, because now the testbench code consists of a routine to read stuff from
a file until the file is empty, interpretting each line that it reads in.
The code has no dependencies on the contents of that file so you can change
the file at will.
In this case the simulation will just stop when file is finished and there
are no more data available, is my assumption correct?
Not 'automatically'. Your testbench code will read the file until it has
reached the end. Then it will close the file and then stop the clock or
whatever else is needed to finish the simulation.
Could anyone post some examples on how this approach can be sketched?
First look up how to use VHDL file i/o routines to open, close, read and
write files. They're really not that much different than how you would do
it in most other languages.
Try writing something to read and write a simple file. That will give you
the basic feel for how it works and is totally independent of any project
that you're planning on using this for (but at the same time be directly
applicable once you've got the hang of it).
Although you're only asking about reading files, you'll probably quickly
find that writing files is useful too to write out logging information of
various sorts. For example let's say you're writing code that does JPEG
image compression (just as an example). A good testbench would be able to
read in real image files (like .JPG, .TIF, .BMP etc.) and then write out a
..JPG file based on what comes out of the unit you're testing. The list of
files that would be compressed would be read in as input from another file
that had one line which contains the name of each file. Just an example of
ways to use file i/o effectively.
On a different tangent, one other approach to writing the testbench would be
to recognize that the FPGA will not exist in a vacuum. It will be on a
printed circuit board with other parts around it. Instead of writing code
to simulate the interface(s) to the FPGA, consider getting (or writing) the
models for these parts. It will generally give you a more accurate view of
what will really be going on with the board to the extent that you model
those other parts correctly.
I find this approach more useful than simply reading stimulus from a file
since it models the actual system. Also, with the 'read stimulus from a
file' approach that you were asking about, even though you don't need to
recompile anything you do have to restart and re-run the simulation when you
change the file. If you consider that you probably are only recompiling one
file right now as you add/change things then the only time you're saving by
going down this path is the time it takes to recompile one file....a second
or two at best in Modelsim. Yes it adds up....but not very quickly. Not
trying to necessarily discourage that approach since it does have merit,
just consider what time you're actually saving if you do it, and keep in
mind that now this external file is also part of your simulation testbench
and needs to be archived and will probably be in a format useful only to you
but probably poorly documented unless you take the additional time to
document what exactly are the list of commands you'll support in this file
and the proper syntax, etc.....rather like specifying a language....which it