Catherine Moroney
I am trying to work with a structured array and a mask, and am
encountering some problems.
For example:
dtype=[('n', '<i4'), ('x', '<f4')])array([(0, 0.0), (0, 0.0), (0, 0.0), (0, 0.0)],
dtype=[('n', '<i4'), ('x', '<f4')])
Why do the values of a2 get updated, and yet the values of a do not?
How do I update a's contents using a mask?
If "a" is not a record array, but instead simply an array of ints, then
the a[mask] += b[mask] statement does alter the values of a.
What is it about a numpy record array that prevents the mask statement
from working, and how do I get around this?
I am trying to work with a structured array and a mask, and am
encountering some problems.
For example:
array([(0, 0.0), (1, 0.0), (2, 0.0), (3, 0.0)],xtype = numpy.dtype([("n", numpy.int32), ("x", numpy.float32)])
a = numpy.zeros((4), dtype=xtype)
b = numpy.arange(0,4)
a2 = numpy.zeros((4), dtype=xtype)
mask = numpy.where(b%2 == 0)
a2[:]["n"] += b ! this changes the values of a2
a[mask]["n"] += b[mask] ! this does not change the values of a
dtype=[('n', '<i4'), ('x', '<f4')])array([(0, 0.0), (0, 0.0), (0, 0.0), (0, 0.0)],
dtype=[('n', '<i4'), ('x', '<f4')])
Why do the values of a2 get updated, and yet the values of a do not?
How do I update a's contents using a mask?
If "a" is not a record array, but instead simply an array of ints, then
the a[mask] += b[mask] statement does alter the values of a.
array([ 0., 0., 2., 0.])a = numpy.zeros((4))
a[mask] += b[mask]
What is it about a numpy record array that prevents the mask statement
from working, and how do I get around this?