I am having difficulty using perl modules, I know once I start and
figure this out, it would make my life simplier.
My module is used for logging into a database.
use strict;
use warnings;
package login_acdb;
my $file = "/etc/accesscare/$ENV{'ORACLE_SID'}/voice/ac.login";
open LOGINID, "< $file" or die "Could not open $file: $!";
my $oraLoginId = <LOGINID>;
chomp $oraLoginId;
The file looks like: oracle/oracle321
I have added it to my PERL5LIB environment so it is in the @INC path.
But now I am having problems with how to call it.
Here is where I call it in my script:
sub doSqlSelect {
my @buffer = qx { sqlplus -S $login_acdb:raLoginId <<EOF;
set heading off
set pagesize 0
set feedback off
SELECT feature||','||description
FROM vt_feature
ORDER by 1;
Yes, I know it would be really easy to use the DBI, but I have tried to
no success to have 32 bit oracle, with 32 or 64 bit perl, on HP 11.00
RISC. Spent a week on that one.
DBI goes in nice, but DBD::ORACLE cacks out every time
figure this out, it would make my life simplier.
My module is used for logging into a database.
use strict;
use warnings;
package login_acdb;
my $file = "/etc/accesscare/$ENV{'ORACLE_SID'}/voice/ac.login";
open LOGINID, "< $file" or die "Could not open $file: $!";
my $oraLoginId = <LOGINID>;
chomp $oraLoginId;
The file looks like: oracle/oracle321
I have added it to my PERL5LIB environment so it is in the @INC path.
But now I am having problems with how to call it.
Here is where I call it in my script:
sub doSqlSelect {
my @buffer = qx { sqlplus -S $login_acdb:raLoginId <<EOF;
set heading off
set pagesize 0
set feedback off
SELECT feature||','||description
FROM vt_feature
ORDER by 1;
Yes, I know it would be really easy to use the DBI, but I have tried to
no success to have 32 bit oracle, with 32 or 64 bit perl, on HP 11.00
RISC. Spent a week on that one.
DBI goes in nice, but DBD::ORACLE cacks out every time