I'm having a DataTable with a column named "Phones" having value like
(901) 789 1234<BR>(901) 789 1235<BR>(901) 789 1221
I need to perform filtering based on the phone number of the form
"9017891221" or "7891221"
The following query works fine when tested in SQL but fails saying
that it doesnt support REPLACE() function
DataTable.Select("REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Phones, ' ', ''), '(' , ''),
')', '') like '%7891221%'")
Actually I'm replacing all formating strings from the field,
performing search from formatted string as converted as below:
Please suggest me if i've done wrong or provide me any alternate for
Replace function.
Thanks in Advance
I'm having a DataTable with a column named "Phones" having value like
(901) 789 1234<BR>(901) 789 1235<BR>(901) 789 1221
I need to perform filtering based on the phone number of the form
"9017891221" or "7891221"
The following query works fine when tested in SQL but fails saying
that it doesnt support REPLACE() function
DataTable.Select("REPLACE(REPLACE(REPLACE(Phones, ' ', ''), '(' , ''),
')', '') like '%7891221%'")
Actually I'm replacing all formating strings from the field,
performing search from formatted string as converted as below:
Please suggest me if i've done wrong or provide me any alternate for
Replace function.
Thanks in Advance