I want to know whether I can use template in safety-critical system or
From googling I fount below from http://gotw.ca/sands3.htm. and I was
astonished at "You must use template".
1:30-2:45pm C++ In Safety-Critical Systems (Bjarne Stroustrup)
C++ is widely used in embedded systems programming and even in safety-
critical and hard-real-time systems. This presentation discusses how
to write code in these highly demanding application areas. First the
mapping of C++ code to hardware resources is reviewed and the basics
abstraction mechanisms (classes and templates) are reviewed from the
perspective of this kind of code. Then, the JSF++ coding rules are
examined as an example of a set of domain specific rules. These rules
have been and are being used for the development of millions of lines
of C++. Questions addressed include: "Can I use templates in safety-
critical code?" (yes, you can and must) and "Can I use exceptions in
hard-real time code?" (sadly no, not with the current level of tool
support). Predictability of language features and minimization of
programmer mistakes are key notions.
If anyone has more detail information about the seminar or
presentation file, please send to me.
It would be very appreciated for me.
And if anyone has experience developing safety-critical system using
template, especially experienced with DO-178 please tell me about
your experience.
I want to know whether I can use template in safety-critical system or
From googling I fount below from http://gotw.ca/sands3.htm. and I was
astonished at "You must use template".
1:30-2:45pm C++ In Safety-Critical Systems (Bjarne Stroustrup)
C++ is widely used in embedded systems programming and even in safety-
critical and hard-real-time systems. This presentation discusses how
to write code in these highly demanding application areas. First the
mapping of C++ code to hardware resources is reviewed and the basics
abstraction mechanisms (classes and templates) are reviewed from the
perspective of this kind of code. Then, the JSF++ coding rules are
examined as an example of a set of domain specific rules. These rules
have been and are being used for the development of millions of lines
of C++. Questions addressed include: "Can I use templates in safety-
critical code?" (yes, you can and must) and "Can I use exceptions in
hard-real time code?" (sadly no, not with the current level of tool
support). Predictability of language features and minimization of
programmer mistakes are key notions.
If anyone has more detail information about the seminar or
presentation file, please send to me.
It would be very appreciated for me.
And if anyone has experience developing safety-critical system using
template, especially experienced with DO-178 please tell me about
your experience.