John Salerno
I've tried this already and it seems to work, but I'm curious if it's
okay to use urllib when trying to access a url that begins with ftp://
instead of http://. Does this matter? It's only a text file, so it's not
really an FTP server I'm accessing, I don't think. I wasn't sure if
using ftplib would be overkill in this case, or if you even could use it
at all if you just want to get the page itself (the txt file).
okay to use urllib when trying to access a url that begins with ftp://
instead of http://. Does this matter? It's only a text file, so it's not
really an FTP server I'm accessing, I don't think. I wasn't sure if
using ftplib would be overkill in this case, or if you even could use it
at all if you just want to get the page itself (the txt file).