using access db and asp
i have a variable from a form
sRound = request.form("round") and for now let us say this value is 3
now i want to include that 3 in sql, but it is part of a field name which
is round3_report
cm.CommandText ="UPDATE rounds SET round" & sRound & "_report = '" & var5 &
"' WHERE Name ='" & sName & "' AND meeting = " & var4 & ""
this isn't working. i keep getting parameter error. i know there is a way to
join a word with a variable in order to make a field name in asp/sql, but I
don't remember how
can you help?
i have a variable from a form
sRound = request.form("round") and for now let us say this value is 3
now i want to include that 3 in sql, but it is part of a field name which
is round3_report
cm.CommandText ="UPDATE rounds SET round" & sRound & "_report = '" & var5 &
"' WHERE Name ='" & sName & "' AND meeting = " & var4 & ""
this isn't working. i keep getting parameter error. i know there is a way to
join a word with a variable in order to make a field name in asp/sql, but I
don't remember how
can you help?