So I come to the part of my little app where I want to load and save a
config file. I want it to be human read/writeable too though - it's not just
for serialization. In fact, usually a human will write it, my little app
will read it, and may adjust it and write it out anew.
So in xml it would look like this
I don't care about channels that's just a random root node, and I might
do it with attbs instead of elements, so:
<channel name="foo" id="3"/>
So I thought, lets use YAML instead - it's even easier to read and
write. Google, google, read blogs, docs, google, google, more docs, more
blogs, google to_yaml, fxri: hack hack, google to_yaml_type, fxri: hack,
hack, hack, google, google, yaml_as, hack.
Argh! Seems like day later, and I'm ready to go back to xml. But I'm
sure there's a simple way to do what I want, so I'll post here first and
hope. See, my class is Channel, like so:
class Channel; attr_accessor :name, :id; end
and want my array of channels to look something like this
- Channel
name: foo
id: 3
- Channel
name: bar
id: 4
But I just can't work out how to simply the yaml output to this stage.
And I don't want to override a dozen methods and do my own hash mapping.
The easiest way - thanks to why for posting this in the forum - seems to
be to use yaml_as:
class Channel
yaml_as "tag:foobar,2007:Channel"
but then I get each entry as
--- !foolbar,2007/Channel
name: foo
id: 3
This is fairly simple, but remember that I want my entries to be
human-writeable the first time. That line of "---!foobar,2007…" is just
way too machiney for us poor humans to get right every time.
I can simplify the taguri like this
yaml_as "tag::Channel"
to get
--- !Channel
and that's about as simple as I can get it without it failing to write
yaml. But loading it back in will fail to build the object - it will
give ma a YAML:
ynamicType instead - which is what it always gives if
it doesn't recognize the object.
I guess the load method needs a valid taguri
(Side note - I'd never heard of a taguri before, but when I went to read
about it at I was _very_ pleasantly surprised at
how quickly I was able to grok the whole thing by reading Sandro Hawke's
four-paragraph tutorial about his dog Taiko. Way to go Sandro - if I'd
been directed to the RFC first it'd be all over)
So anyway, the fact is that while taguris are great for distinguishing
Taiko from his master's descendents' pooches, and while it's very
simple, it's still overkill for me. I don't need a unique ID. I know
what "--- Channel" means in my little app. I don't want to submit my
Channel types to some great panoply of random little types each with
their own special pet name. I just want to damn well read and write it.
I've even considered parsing the text in to_yaml and YAML.load and
gsubbing "!foobar, 2007/" out and in again. But there's got to be a
better way. So far that better way is looking like xml. but there's got
to be a better rubyful way.
What is it?