Peña, Botp
Since ++ and -- wont see the light of day in ruby, can we use it for comment
1. -- equal to # comment
2. --- (or more dashes) equal to =begin
next --- (or more) equal to =end
3. ++ same comment as #1 above
4. +++ same comment as #2 above
1. I like "--", very clean [1]
2. We can faq ++/-- questions as: "they are used for comments"
kind regards -botp
[1] Eg
Program Name: Sample_Programming.rb
Purpose: this a sample prg showing
- same as =begin and =end comments.
clean, don't you think so? imho
p "hello, world"
p "hello, ruby" -- this is just a sample
-- I know
p "hello, world, ruby."
1. -- equal to # comment
2. --- (or more dashes) equal to =begin
next --- (or more) equal to =end
3. ++ same comment as #1 above
4. +++ same comment as #2 above
1. I like "--", very clean [1]
2. We can faq ++/-- questions as: "they are used for comments"
kind regards -botp
[1] Eg
-----------------------------------cat a1.rb
Program Name: Sample_Programming.rb
Purpose: this a sample prg showing
- same as =begin and =end comments.
clean, don't you think so? imho
p "hello, world"
p "hello, ruby" -- this is just a sample
-- I know
p "hello, world, ruby."