I've been using Python to successfully parse files. When the entire
program was smaller, the variable firstMsg worked fine, but now
doesn't because it's used in function PID_MinMax. I know it's a result
of variables and their scope.
I declare the variable 'firstMsg = 0' in the main loop, pass it to the
function 'PID_MinMax(firstMsg, PID)'. When the function increments the
variable, it doesn't pass it back to the main program. What am I doing
---- major snippage) ---
firstMsg = 0
skipHeader = 13
pPIDs = ['0321'] # hundreds more
pLen = len(pPIDs)
pMsgNum = pLen * [0]
pMax = pLen * [0]
pMin = pLen * [10]
pLast = pLen * [0]
def PID_MinMax(firstMsg, PID):
idx = pPIDs.index(PID)
pMsgNum[idx] += 1
# Need to have 2 samples to determine Delta
if firstMsg != 0:
tDelta = tCurrent - pLast[idx]
if tDelta > pMax[idx]:
pMax[idx] = tDelta
if tDelta < pMin[idx]:
pMin[idx] = tDelta
elif firstMsg == 0:
firstMsg = 1
pLast[idx] = tCurrent
print pMin, pMax
return firstMsg
############## main ##############
bf_file = file('bf_data/sByteflightLog_wISS.txt', 'r')
for line in bf_file:
# skip header
if skipHeader != 0:
skipHeader -= 1
# skip footer
elif line == '\n':
raw_msg = line.split()
tCurrent = int(raw_msg[0], 16) * 0.0001
PID = raw_msg[2]
if PID in pPIDs:
PID_MinMax(firstMsg, PID)
I've been using Python to successfully parse files. When the entire
program was smaller, the variable firstMsg worked fine, but now
doesn't because it's used in function PID_MinMax. I know it's a result
of variables and their scope.
I declare the variable 'firstMsg = 0' in the main loop, pass it to the
function 'PID_MinMax(firstMsg, PID)'. When the function increments the
variable, it doesn't pass it back to the main program. What am I doing
---- major snippage) ---
firstMsg = 0
skipHeader = 13
pPIDs = ['0321'] # hundreds more
pLen = len(pPIDs)
pMsgNum = pLen * [0]
pMax = pLen * [0]
pMin = pLen * [10]
pLast = pLen * [0]
def PID_MinMax(firstMsg, PID):
idx = pPIDs.index(PID)
pMsgNum[idx] += 1
# Need to have 2 samples to determine Delta
if firstMsg != 0:
tDelta = tCurrent - pLast[idx]
if tDelta > pMax[idx]:
pMax[idx] = tDelta
if tDelta < pMin[idx]:
pMin[idx] = tDelta
elif firstMsg == 0:
firstMsg = 1
pLast[idx] = tCurrent
print pMin, pMax
return firstMsg
############## main ##############
bf_file = file('bf_data/sByteflightLog_wISS.txt', 'r')
for line in bf_file:
# skip header
if skipHeader != 0:
skipHeader -= 1
# skip footer
elif line == '\n':
raw_msg = line.split()
tCurrent = int(raw_msg[0], 16) * 0.0001
PID = raw_msg[2]
if PID in pPIDs:
PID_MinMax(firstMsg, PID)