HI, I have posted previously and have another question. I have read
documentation on using the vbc command line compiler and have run into a
snag. I am trying to compile all the vb files under my web root "website1"
and all it's subfolders. I have added the vbc path to my system enviornment.
I cd to the directory where I have the parent folder and type in "vbc
/target:library /out:bvc2004.dll /recurse:\website1\ *.vb" And I keep
getting the error " the value \website1 is invalid for option 'recurse'"
I'm sure that I don't understand the way paths work using this tool. Any
suggestions what I might be doing wrong?
documentation on using the vbc command line compiler and have run into a
snag. I am trying to compile all the vb files under my web root "website1"
and all it's subfolders. I have added the vbc path to my system enviornment.
I cd to the directory where I have the parent folder and type in "vbc
/target:library /out:bvc2004.dll /recurse:\website1\ *.vb" And I keep
getting the error " the value \website1 is invalid for option 'recurse'"
I'm sure that I don't understand the way paths work using this tool. Any
suggestions what I might be doing wrong?