Dear all,
I have to port a moderately complicated unix shell script written for
Solaris to Windows. I've never done Windows scripting before. Should I
(a) learn VBScript and implement it in that;
(b) install Active Perl on the target Windows box and rewrite the script in
perl (which I am familiar with).
The script in question most does database stuff e.g. calls stored procs,
parses text files then loads new records with bcp.
I have to port a moderately complicated unix shell script written for
Solaris to Windows. I've never done Windows scripting before. Should I
(a) learn VBScript and implement it in that;
(b) install Active Perl on the target Windows box and rewrite the script in
perl (which I am familiar with).
The script in question most does database stuff e.g. calls stored procs,
parses text files then loads new records with bcp.