I've been away from C++ programming for awhile. Maybe this is a simple
problem. I get the error message "illegal call of non-static member
function" when I insert
DWORD hotkey;
into a Wizard-generated function that is NOT static --
void CCubesView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
I am using MFC provided by the Wizard. I #include "stdafx.h" (it's
actually in afxcmn.h).
I seem to remember this error message from when I was a hotter
programmer, and it was due to something other than what it says at
face value.
Any suggestions? Or do you need more info? (Visual C++ 6.0)
-Ed P.
problem. I get the error message "illegal call of non-static member
function" when I insert
DWORD hotkey;
into a Wizard-generated function that is NOT static --
void CCubesView::OnLButtonUp(UINT nFlags, CPoint point)
I am using MFC provided by the Wizard. I #include "stdafx.h" (it's
actually in afxcmn.h).
I seem to remember this error message from when I was a hotter
programmer, and it was due to something other than what it says at
face value.
Any suggestions? Or do you need more info? (Visual C++ 6.0)
-Ed P.