I have been learning about VHDL 2008 and wanted to try a simple example
of the 2008 enhancements. I created the following test file:
entity generic_mux2 is
generic (type data_type);
port (sel : in bit; a, b : in data_type;
z : out data_type );
end entity generic_mux2;
architecture rtl of generic_mux2 is
z <= a when sel = '0' else b;
end architecture rtl;
I installed ModelSim SE 10.0a. It claims to support a significant
subset of the 2008 enhancements. When I try to compile the above file
it get:
vcom -2008 generic_mux2.vhdl
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 10.0a Compiler 2011.02 Feb 20 2011
# -- Loading package STANDARD
# -- Compiling entity generic_mux2
# ** Error: generic_mux2.vhdl(2): near "type": expecting IDENTIFIER
# C:/modeltech_10.0a/win32/vcom failed.
Does ModelSim SE 10.0 not support generic types? Hard to imagine...
This is the first thing mentioned in Peter Ashenden's "VHDL-2008: Just
the New Stuff". (and I copied the above example right out of the book)
Charles Bailey
of the 2008 enhancements. I created the following test file:
entity generic_mux2 is
generic (type data_type);
port (sel : in bit; a, b : in data_type;
z : out data_type );
end entity generic_mux2;
architecture rtl of generic_mux2 is
z <= a when sel = '0' else b;
end architecture rtl;
I installed ModelSim SE 10.0a. It claims to support a significant
subset of the 2008 enhancements. When I try to compile the above file
it get:
vcom -2008 generic_mux2.vhdl
# Model Technology ModelSim SE vcom 10.0a Compiler 2011.02 Feb 20 2011
# -- Loading package STANDARD
# -- Compiling entity generic_mux2
# ** Error: generic_mux2.vhdl(2): near "type": expecting IDENTIFIER
# C:/modeltech_10.0a/win32/vcom failed.
Does ModelSim SE 10.0 not support generic types? Hard to imagine...
This is the first thing mentioned in Peter Ashenden's "VHDL-2008: Just
the New Stuff". (and I copied the above example right out of the book)
Charles Bailey