Youssef Ahmed
Hello there, i'm new here so i dont know if this is on topic or should be placed somewhere else.
my code is this:
"library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package andpackage is
component and2 is
port (a, b: IN std_logic;
c: OUT std_logic);
end component and2;
end package andpackage;
entity circuit2 is
port (a, b, x, y: IN std_logic;
d: OUT std_logic);
end entity circuit2;
architecture mixed of circuit2 is
for gate: and2 use entity work.and2(and2);
signal c,z: std_logic;
gate: and2 port map (a,b,c);
d <= c XOR z;
op: process (x,y) is
z <= x OR y;
end process op;
end architecture mixed;"
i get 3 errors, 2 of them say "(vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "std_logic"." while the 3rd just says "VHDL Compiler exiting", any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.
my code is this:
"library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
package andpackage is
component and2 is
port (a, b: IN std_logic;
c: OUT std_logic);
end component and2;
end package andpackage;
entity circuit2 is
port (a, b, x, y: IN std_logic;
d: OUT std_logic);
end entity circuit2;
architecture mixed of circuit2 is
for gate: and2 use entity work.and2(and2);
signal c,z: std_logic;
gate: and2 port map (a,b,c);
d <= c XOR z;
op: process (x,y) is
z <= x OR y;
end process op;
end architecture mixed;"
i get 3 errors, 2 of them say "(vcom-1136) Unknown identifier "std_logic"." while the 3rd just says "VHDL Compiler exiting", any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks in advance.