i have created two vhdl designs, a floating point adder and a binary
to floating point conversion unit. I wish to connect both the designs,
but when i simulate both the design in modelsim, floating point adder
takes 8ns and binary to floating point conversion unit takes 6ns to
process completely, now if i connect both of them together (input
flows first into binary to floating point unit and after it to the
adder unit), now my question is if i connect them will they be working
properly without any timing issue for many inputs one after another
and not skip any input? and if not then how can i connect them to work
synchronously. I would really appreciate if some one can help me.
I have consulted this with one of my friend and he suggested me to use
latch/register design, can any one point me to an example of
connecting blocks using latch/register method in vhdl.
i have created two vhdl designs, a floating point adder and a binary
to floating point conversion unit. I wish to connect both the designs,
but when i simulate both the design in modelsim, floating point adder
takes 8ns and binary to floating point conversion unit takes 6ns to
process completely, now if i connect both of them together (input
flows first into binary to floating point unit and after it to the
adder unit), now my question is if i connect them will they be working
properly without any timing issue for many inputs one after another
and not skip any input? and if not then how can i connect them to work
synchronously. I would really appreciate if some one can help me.
I have consulted this with one of my friend and he suggested me to use
latch/register design, can any one point me to an example of
connecting blocks using latch/register method in vhdl.