This is what the program should be doing on a CPLD board:
-Turn on an LED for 5 seconds when one of the push-buttons is pressed.
-The debounced counter will increment one count when another of the momentary push-button switches is pressed.
Below is the entire code:
library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
entity TimerCounter is
port (CLK0: in std_logic; PBTime: in std_logic; PBCount: in std_logic;
TimerOut: out std_logic; SevenSegment
ut std_logic_vector (0 to 6));
attribute LOC: string;
attribute LOC of CLK0: signal is "P11";
attribute LOC of PBTime: signal is "P43";
attribute LOC of PBCount: signal is "P31";
attribute LOC of TimerOut: signal is "P02";
attribute LOC of SevenSegment: signal is "P36 P37 P38 P39 P40 P41 P42";
end entity TimerCounter;
architecture TimerCounter_arch of TimerCounter is
signal pulse: bit;
signal Q: std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);
rocess (PBTime,CLK0)
variable cnt: unsigned (5 downto 0);
if CLK0='1' and CLK0' event then
if PBTime = '0' then cnt:= "000000"; TimerOut <= '0';
elsif cnt = 40 then TimerOut <= '1';
else cnt := cnt + "000001";
end if;
end if;
end process;
rocess (PBCount,CLK0)
variable cnt: unsigned (2 downto 0);
if CLK0='1' and CLK0'event then
if PBCount = '1' then cnt:= "000"; pulse <= '0';
elsif cnt = 1 then pulse <= '1';
else cnt:= cnt + "001";
end if;
end if;
end process;
Count: process (pulse)
if pulse='1' and pulse' event then
case Q is when "0000" => Q <="0001"; --1
when "0001" => Q <="0010"; --2
when "0010" => Q <="0011"; --3
when "0011" => Q <="0100"; --4
when "0100" => Q <="0101"; --5
when "0101" => Q <="0110"; --6
when "0110" => Q <="0111"; --7
when "0111" => Q <="1000"; --8
when "1000" => Q <="1001"; --9
when "1001" => Q <="0000"; --0
when others => Q <= "0000"; --default
end case;
end if;
end process;
Display: process(SevenSegment)
if Q = "0000" then SevenSegment <= "0000001"; --0
elsif Q = "0001" then SevenSegment <= "1001111"; --1
elsif Q = "0010" then SevenSegment <= "0010010"; --2
elsif Q = "0011" then SevenSegment <= "0000110"; --3
elsif Q = "0100" then SevenSegment <= "1001100"; --4
elsif Q = "0101" then SevenSegment <= "0100100"; --5
elsif Q = "0110" then SevenSegment <= "0100000"; --6
elsif Q = "0111" then SevenSegment <= "0001111"; --7
elsif Q = "1000" then SevenSegment <= "0000000"; --8
elsif Q = "1001" then SevenSegment <= "0000100"; --9
else SevenSegment <= "0000001"; --default
end process;
end TimerCounter_arch;