ViewSate is not saved



I have written a custom control. Everything works fine until I place
my control inside a repeater. When I do that the viewstate of my
control is lost on postback(actually it is never saved). LoadViewState
og SaveViewState is never called.

If i manually call SaveViewState in my LoadPostData-method the
ViewState is allready lost in the OnPreRender-method :(

I really need some help, I spent days debugging this control :(

I might say that as long as I do not place my control inside a
repeater/datalist etc. ViewState and everything of my control works

Brian Bugge - Denmark


I have a similar problem
I have a user control that has a repeater with controls
Everything works fine when the user control is placed on a page

However, when the user control is placed within a repeater, the viewstate of the controls within the user control repeater is lost!

I have also spent days on this problem and can't figure out WHY this should occur
Is it a bug in .Net? Did you get any reponses to your posting

----- Bugge wrote: ----

I have written a custom control. Everything works fine until I plac
my control inside a repeater. When I do that the viewstate of m
control is lost on postback(actually it is never saved). LoadViewStat
og SaveViewState is never called

If i manually call SaveViewState in my LoadPostData-method th
ViewState is allready lost in the OnPreRender-method :

I really need some help, I spent days debugging this control :

I might say that as long as I do not place my control inside
repeater/datalist etc. ViewState and everything of my control work

Brian Bugge - Denmar

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