"Kevin Goodsell" wrote in message
I didn't see any code in your message that could have been the code you
were talking about.
I think, assuming that you are using a head, it is easy enough to realise
that I copied and pasted the function declarations, not the code which I
sent to the group.
I don't know. Why are you lying about copying & pasting the code? It
could be a compulsive thing.
Lying about a problem that I'm having to get help with it. So I like making
up problems and having others solve them for me? Interesting...
People make mistakes. That's why we ask to see code.
Yes, I made a mistake of posting a porblem that I had to a
supposedly-helpful newsgroup which seems to be the only one apropriate to my
problem. Recently I've been using newsgroups to help me with a project that
I'm working on - to give me critical feedback, to help me solve problems
that I couldn't solve by myself. ALL but this newsgroup have been friendly
and helpful to me.
Yes, I have recieved some good replies in the past form comp.lang.c++, but
half of the time I was told to go away when my problem even slightly
overlapped into a different area (for example resource files). I'm sure the
people here could help me, but they told me to go away instead.
And then there is the current example, where I have been called a liar for
merely asking for some help!
So you didn't copy & paste after all?
Already explained this.
We're sick of teaching people how to post. It would save everyone a lot
of time if people would just learn before posting, don't you think?
My post was on-topic, and posting code was not a sane option, for reasons
that I have already explained. My description of the problem was clear
And yet we should take the time to guess at what the problem is and
explain it to you? You are the one asking for help, you should be the
one taking the time to make our job easier. (OK, 'job' is a poor term to
use there, considering we do this on a purely volunteer basis, out of
the kindness of our hearts...)
Kindness of your hearts, please show some kindness to those asking for help!
Where was the kindness from you when you told me to go read the posting
guidelines for this newsgroup or called me a liar!
Because nearly every day someone posts a message saying "My code doesn't
work. I did everything right. What's the problem?" And when we finally
see the code, there's always errors. People make mistakes, and we cannot
diagnose a problem properly without the code anyway. All we can do is
guess, which is a waste of everyone's time.
I explained my problem as clearly as possible, I even gave you an example
when you said that it was not clear enough. If you did not know anything
about the problem, why respond?
Nobody knew what the problem was, nor could they have without seeing the
code. Your argument is downright foolish. If the program doesn't work,
there's a 99.9% chance there's a problem with the code, so saying "My
code is fine" is just plain ignorant. In your case, maybe you had a
compiler problem. In those rare cases, we still need to see the code.
That way we can say "code looks fine, works for me, looks like maybe
you're having a problem with your compiler."
If I tell you that I copied and pasted the definition, it means that I
copied and pasted the definition. I gave you a simplified example to show
you what my code looked like. I would have given you the code but, as I
already said, it would be too hard and take too long just to get it working
by itself.
If you want help, give us the information we need to help you. If this
sounds unreasonable to you, then please let me know so I can add you to
my killfile now and avoid wasting any more of my time. But you will have
a hard time getting help with that attitude.
You sound very unreasonable to me, but dont worry about adding me to you
killfile - you're already the latest addition to mine, so you will never
have to waste your perfect manners on me.