small question: virutal functions, regular fucntions and inline
functions take the same space (ex: 4 bytes or 8 bytes 32 and 64 bits
respectively)? According to alignement rules: compiler is tring to fit
as many variable (data types) as possible in each block for as long as
it fits entirely or else adds padding... is that the correct way of
also, is function always represented as a pointer in a struct and
occupies its size?
functions take the same space (ex: 4 bytes or 8 bytes 32 and 64 bits
respectively)? According to alignement rules: compiler is tring to fit
as many variable (data types) as possible in each block for as long as
it fits entirely or else adds padding... is that the correct way of
also, is function always represented as a pointer in a struct and
occupies its size?