Sorry about the miss submission.
Like I said, I'm using WCF with my web service calls and use wsHttpBinding
with certificates and set with message encryption. When I create my
service reference, I end up getting an entry something like this in the
<client /> section of the web.config:
<endpoint address="http://<my service address>"
binding="wsHttpBinding" behaviorConfiguration="certConfig"
contract="<my contract>" name="wsHttpBindingConfig">
<certificate encodedValue="<AwAAAAEAAAAUAAAARFl...MIIE...< more of a long
encoded string>" />
The encodedValue in the certificate node is automatically generated for me
when I add the reference (comes from the Svcutil). I'd like to be able to
replace this value when certs are updated. What is this value made up
from and how can I programmatically update it (using c#)? It looks like
it has more than the base64 encoded value of the certificate.
I tried something like this:
byte[] bytes = myCert.Export(X509ContentType.SerializedCert);
string base64Cert = Convert.ToBase64String(bytes);
which did not come out the same as what's in the encodedValue. What am I
missing here? Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Larry said:
I use WCF with my web service calls and all of the communication is
secured with certificates. When I create my service reference, an
endpoint gets created with the correct information. It includes an entry
like this: