I've got a web control which is deployed onto several in-house developer's
computers so they can include the control in their web projects. This control is
packaged using Inno Setup (not .Net's default installer). Everything works fine
and dandy for the web control installation (with a few minor adjustments when
setup is being compiled each time). Much better for installing web controls.
Now, when installing the web control's sample project, I've created a script
which creates the WebVirtualDirectory in IIS, sets up the permission of the IIS
virtual directory, adds DefaultDoc property and sets it to the default property.
Good, dandy, now I need to make sure the permissions are correct for what .Net
sets. Can anyone help with this? The following properties are what I need to
double check the values to make sure I'm right:
..AccessExecute = False
..AccessNoRemoteExecute = True
..AccessNoRemoteRead = False
..AccessNoRemoteScript = True
..AccessNoRemoteWrite = True
..AccessRead = True
..AccessScript = True
..AccessSource = False
..AccessWrite = False
..EnableDirBrowsing = False
Also, is there any other way to install a control into the GAC w/o using gacutil
or windows installer (but still do it programatically through script)?
computers so they can include the control in their web projects. This control is
packaged using Inno Setup (not .Net's default installer). Everything works fine
and dandy for the web control installation (with a few minor adjustments when
setup is being compiled each time). Much better for installing web controls.
Now, when installing the web control's sample project, I've created a script
which creates the WebVirtualDirectory in IIS, sets up the permission of the IIS
virtual directory, adds DefaultDoc property and sets it to the default property.
Good, dandy, now I need to make sure the permissions are correct for what .Net
sets. Can anyone help with this? The following properties are what I need to
double check the values to make sure I'm right:
..AccessExecute = False
..AccessNoRemoteExecute = True
..AccessNoRemoteRead = False
..AccessNoRemoteScript = True
..AccessNoRemoteWrite = True
..AccessRead = True
..AccessScript = True
..AccessSource = False
..AccessWrite = False
..EnableDirBrowsing = False
Also, is there any other way to install a control into the GAC w/o using gacutil
or windows installer (but still do it programatically through script)?