Thanks for the response.
Below is a section of the code from the web service. I'm testing access to
this from a web application which includes a button that calls the method
displayed below. The SOAP header parameters are sent by the test web app.
The reference to "GISToolBoxes.FeatureToolbox" is a compiled C# class that
contains the code that does all the work with the SQL05 DB. As I said
earlier, using this same compiled class with a console test application does
not cause the problem with the locks.
I had a brief look at the description for IDisposible but I could use some
help and how to utilize it.
Dennis Geasan
using System;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Services;
using System.Web.Services.Protocols;
using System.Xml.Serialization;
[WebService(Namespace = "")]
[WebServiceBinding(ConformsTo = WsiProfiles.BasicProfile1_1)]
public class Spatialize_WS : System.Web.Services.WebService
//The following references the SOAP Header class that contains the
connection information that needs to be sent to each method.
//The 'ConnectHeader' class is listed below.
public ConnectHeader ConnectParams;
//Spatialize_WS Class Constructor
public Spatialize_WS()
//Uncomment the following line if using designed components
[WebMethod(Description="Update a feature class.")]
[SoapHeader("ConnectParams", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.InOut)]
public bool UpdateFC(int[] RecordArray)
/*This method will update one or more records (features) of the
target feature class.
* The ConnectParams SOAP header must have all values defined.
GISToolBoxes.FeatureToolbox pFCTools;
pFCTools = SetConnectParams();
if (pFCTools.ErrorFlag)
pFCTools = null;
return true;
pFCTools = null;
return false;
private GISToolBoxes.FeatureToolbox SetConnectParams()
GISToolBoxes.FeatureToolbox ParamValues = new
GISToolBoxes.FeatureToolbox("ArcGIS Server");
ParamValues.SQLDB_ServerName = ConnectParams.SQLDB_ServerName;
ParamValues.SQLDB_DBName = ConnectParams.SQLDB_DBName;
ParamValues.SQLDB_CoordTableName = ConnectParams.SQLDB_CoordTableName;
ParamValues.SQLDB_UserName = ConnectParams.SQLDB_UserName;
ParamValues.SQLDB_Password = ConnectParams.SQLDB_Password;
ParamValues.SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_X =
ParamValues.SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Y =
ParamValues.SDEDB_ServerName = ConnectParams.SDEDB_ServerName;
ParamValues.SDEDB_DBName = ConnectParams.SDEDB_DBName;
ParamValues.SDEDB_UserName = ConnectParams.SDEDB_UserName;
ParamValues.SDEDB_Password = ConnectParams.SDEDB_Password;
ParamValues.SDEDB_FeatureClassName =
ParamValues.RecordIDFieldName = ConnectParams.RecordIDFieldName;
ParamValues.SDEDB_VersionName = ConnectParams.SDEDB_VersionName;
return ParamValues;
public class ConnectHeader : SoapHeader
//This class defines the SOAP header to be passed from a client to the
method being utilized in this web service.
//Private variables
//The source for the coordinates will be a table in the GDD database.
This database will be referred to as SQLDB
//SQL DB variable names
private string m_SQLDB_ServerName;
private string m_SQLDB_DBName;
private string m_SQLDB_UserName;
private string m_SQLDB_Password;
private string m_SQLDB_CoordTableName;
private string m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_X;
private string m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Y;
private string m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Z;
private string m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_CoordSysID;
private string m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_UpdateDate;
//SDE Database variables
private string m_SDEDB_ServerName;
private string m_SDEDB_DBName;
private string m_SDEDB_UserName;
private string m_SDEDB_Password;
private string m_SDEDB_FeatureClassName = "GGDD_FC";
private string m_SDEDB_VersionName = "DBO.DEFAULT";
//Other private variables
//IGeoProcessorResult pGPResult;
// private IAoInitialize m_pAoInitialize; //The ArcGIS License object.
private bool m_Error = false;
private string m_ErrorMessage;
//private int[] m_UpdateArray;
private string m_RecordIDFieldName;
private string m_LicenseName;
private bool m_LicenseCheckedOutOK;
private string m_LicenseMessage;
private string m_ClassMethodMessage;
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the ArcSDE server.</summary>
public string SDEDB_ServerName
get {return m_SDEDB_ServerName;}
set { m_SDEDB_ServerName = value; }
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the ArcSDE database.</summary>
public string SDEDB_DBName
get {return m_SDEDB_DBName;}
set { m_SDEDB_DBName = value; }
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The user name for accessing the ArcSDE database.
/// This will have to be a user with edit privledges.</summary>
public string SDEDB_UserName
get {return m_SDEDB_UserName;}
set {m_SDEDB_UserName = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The password for accessing the ArcSDE
public string SDEDB_Password
get {return m_SDEDB_Password;}
set {m_SDEDB_Password = value;}
/// <summary>(Optional)The name of the ArcSDE feature class. Default
name is 'GGDD_FC'.</summary>
public string SDEDB_FeatureClassName
get {return m_SDEDB_FeatureClassName;}
set {m_SDEDB_FeatureClassName = value;}
/// <summary>(Optional)The name of the ArcSDE feature class. Default
name is 'GGDD_FC'.</summary>
public string SDEDB_VersionName
get {return m_SDEDB_VersionName;}
set {m_SDEDB_VersionName = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the Microsoft SQL Database
public string SQLDB_ServerName
get {return m_SQLDB_ServerName;}
set {m_SQLDB_ServerName = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the Microsoft SQL Server
public string SQLDB_DBName
get {return m_SQLDB_DBName;}
set {m_SQLDB_DBName = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The user name to access the SQL Database.</summary>
public string SQLDB_UserName
get {return m_SQLDB_UserName;}
set {m_SQLDB_UserName = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The password to access the SQL Database.</summary>
public string SQLDB_Password
get {return m_SQLDB_Password;}
set {m_SQLDB_Password = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the SQL Server database table which
contains the raw coordinate point values.</summary>
public string SQLDB_CoordTableName
get {return m_SQLDB_CoordTableName;}
set {m_SQLDB_CoordTableName = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the field in the SQL Server database
table that holds the X coordinates.</summary>
public string SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_X
get {return m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_X;}
set {m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_X = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the field in the SQL Server database
table that holds the Y coordinates.</summary>
public string SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Y
get {return m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Y;}
set {m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Y = value;}
/// <summary>(Optional)The name of the field in the SQL Server database
table that holds the Z coordinates.</summary>
public string SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Z
get {return m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Z;}
set {m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_Z = value;}
/// <summary>(Not implemented) The name of the field that holds the ESRI
ID that defines the coordinates system of the XY values.</summary>
public string SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_CoordSysID
get {return m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_CoordSysID;}
set {m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_CoordSysID = value;}
/// <summary>(Not implemented)The name of the field that holds the
update date for the record.</summary>
public string SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_UpdateDate
get {return m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_UpdateDate;}
set {m_SQLDB_CoordTable_FieldName_UpdateDate = value;}
//Error Flag
/// <summary>Indicates an error. If TRUE then an error has
/// <remarks>Read-only property.</remarks>
public Boolean ErrorFlag
get {return m_Error;}
set {m_Error = value;}
//Error Message
/// <summary>The error message.</summary>
/// <remarks>Read-only property.</remarks>
public string ErrorMessage
get {return m_ErrorMessage;}
set {m_ErrorMessage = value;}
/// <summary>(REQUIRED)The name of the field that contains the unique
record ID.</summary>
public string RecordIDFieldName
get {return m_RecordIDFieldName;}
set {m_RecordIDFieldName = value;}
/// <summary>The ArcGIS License that was checked out.</summary>
public string LicenseName
get {return m_LicenseName;}
set {m_LicenseName = value;}
/// <summary>The ArcGIS License message.</summary>
public string LicenseMessage
get {return m_LicenseMessage;}
set {m_LicenseMessage = value;}
/// <summary>The status of the ArcGIS License. If TRUE then a license
was available and has been successfully checked out.</summary>
public bool LicenseCheckedOutOK
get {return m_LicenseCheckedOutOK;}
set {m_LicenseCheckedOutOK = value;}
/// <summary>The message from a class method.</summary>
public string ClassMethodMessage
get {return m_ClassMethodMessage;}
set {m_ClassMethodMessage = value;}