Website comments with ruby



I have a website and I would like some of the pages to be able to accept
user comments. I know there at alot of simple php scripts that do this
so I am sure there is something like this in Ruby right? I know there
are blogs done in Ruby but I am really just looking for something
simpler. I am new to programming and ruby so doing this myself is not
an option as of yet.


John Joyce

I have a website and I would like some of the pages to be able to
accept user comments. I know there at alot of simple php scripts
that do this so I am sure there is something like this in Ruby
right? I know there are blogs done in Ruby but I am really just
looking for something simpler. I am new to programming and ruby so
doing this myself is not an option as of yet.

The Ruby for this is not going to be any simpler than PHP, basically.
You still need either a very user friendly tool built in one of the 2
languages, or another language, or knowledge of a scripting language,
plus knowledge of html and maybe a little Javascript.
I'd recommend picking up one of the Oreilly cookbooks on PHP or Ruby
or Python or Perl or something similar.
The problem with many Ruby books and web site development is that
most of them simply refer to Rails for web development, but that can
be overkill for a lot of things.

All you need fundamentally are:
a scripting language and shell access to the server,
an html form that calls a script on the server (script written in one
of the above languages most likely),
some sort of validation to make sure it's a human and not a spammer,
some way of storing the comments and adding them to the page (this
can either be in a database or in files, even added to the original
html file, if you like).

The reason most people just go with WordPress or some other blogging
platform is because the comment-spam issue, and the programming is
already well addressed. With web forms, spam and other malicious crap
can be the biggest trouble.

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