My group is using WebSphere 4.0.6 on Solaris. We have tried to use a
new version of xerces and xalan in an unrelated (non-WebSphere,
non-J2EE, plain old public static void main app). We placed the newer
versions in a directory containing various other libraries (log4j,
avalon, velocity, etc.)
The various other libraries I have mentioned are listed in various
manifests in jar and war files. For example, one of our war file's
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF looks something like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.3.1_09 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Class-Path: /foo/bar/blort/viking.jar
Nowhere do we reference the directory /foo/bar/lib as such; it is
always a specific jar file.
Nevertheless, as soon as we dropped new versions of xalan and xerces
into /foo/bar/lib, we began getting a ClassCastException out of
WebSphere. Three developers have examined the WebSphere documentation
on class loader order, and every conceivable place where the directory
could be specified in a classpath, and we can find no reason for it to
recognize these files at all. But when we take them away, the problem
Does anyone have any idea why it is "discovering" these?
Thanks in advance.
Jerry Oberle
perl -e 'printf "mailto%c%s%c%s%cjpmchase%ccom%c", 58, "Gerard", 46,
"Oberle", 64, 46, 10;'
new version of xerces and xalan in an unrelated (non-WebSphere,
non-J2EE, plain old public static void main app). We placed the newer
versions in a directory containing various other libraries (log4j,
avalon, velocity, etc.)
The various other libraries I have mentioned are listed in various
manifests in jar and war files. For example, one of our war file's
META-INF/MANIFEST.MF looks something like this:
Manifest-Version: 1.0
Created-By: 1.3.1_09 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
Class-Path: /foo/bar/blort/viking.jar
Nowhere do we reference the directory /foo/bar/lib as such; it is
always a specific jar file.
Nevertheless, as soon as we dropped new versions of xalan and xerces
into /foo/bar/lib, we began getting a ClassCastException out of
WebSphere. Three developers have examined the WebSphere documentation
on class loader order, and every conceivable place where the directory
could be specified in a classpath, and we can find no reason for it to
recognize these files at all. But when we take them away, the problem
Does anyone have any idea why it is "discovering" these?
Thanks in advance.
Jerry Oberle
perl -e 'printf "mailto%c%s%c%s%cjpmchase%ccom%c", 58, "Gerard", 46,
"Oberle", 64, 46, 10;'