Weird behavior: IE vs NSN


Rich Grise

Hi. I dashed off a little button-swapper for "homework" for lesson 1.
Well, it works fine, with Internet Exploiter, but not with Netscape,
which is kind of ironic, since NS invented JS. I'm surmising that
it's all the crap that Tripod serves up with the page - I'd appreciate
it, if anyone has the time and inclination, if you'd take a look at
it: is the home page, and is the JS toy.

Like I say, if anyone's advanced enough in JS to tell me what I could
do about it, I'd appreciate it. Maybe email Tripod and ask them about
their server?


David Dorward

Rich said:
Hi. I dashed off a little button-swapper for "homework" for lesson 1.
Well, it works fine, with Internet Exploiter, but not with Netscape,

What version of Netscape? It works fine here.
which is kind of ironic, since NS invented JS.

And then Microsoft added a bundle of its own APIs.
I'm surmising that it's all the crap that Tripod serves up with the page

If that were the case then it probably wouldn't work in any browser. Its
easy enough to test though - try a local version that isn't interfered with
by the webserver.

Lasse Reichstein Nielsen

Hi. I dashed off a little button-swapper for "homework" for lesson 1.
Well, it works fine, with Internet Exploiter, but not with Netscape,
which is kind of ironic, since NS invented JS.

What is it that doesn't work? (i.e., what should happen, and what
actually happens)? Which version of Netscape?

For what it's worth, it seems to work for me in Netscape 4, IE6,
Mozilla Firebird, and Opera 7.

If you want to be a little safer, you can try a small change.
You write:
document.image_top.src= ...
You can't assume that a named object is available as a property
of the document element directly. Instead you chould write, e.g.,

(And for the crap that Tripod adds ... you have my sympathy! They
have my disgust, so I doubt I'll come back to a Tripod page soon)


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