Thanks Bob for getting me started.
Here is a bit of code. This works and prints out the text of an HTML doc.
How can I modify this so I can see the tags too. I tried some examples, but
could not get it to work.
I would like to extract the skunumber out too in these kinds of statemens in
the index.html
<INPUT type=hidden value=item34443 name=skunumber>
Here is code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package Example;
use strict;
require HTML:arser;
@Example::ISA = qw(HTML:arser);
my $parser = Example->new;
print $parser->{TEXT};
sub text
my ($self,$text) = @_;
$self->{TEXT} .= $text;
Here is a bit of code. This works and prints out the text of an HTML doc.
How can I modify this so I can see the tags too. I tried some examples, but
could not get it to work.
I would like to extract the skunumber out too in these kinds of statemens in
the index.html
<INPUT type=hidden value=item34443 name=skunumber>
Here is code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
package Example;
use strict;
require HTML:arser;
@Example::ISA = qw(HTML:arser);
my $parser = Example->new;
print $parser->{TEXT};
sub text
my ($self,$text) = @_;
$self->{TEXT} .= $text;