What does Google Calendar's grid uses?



Hi everyone
I am interested in building something similar to Google's Calendar. My
questions are:
1) What library or function are they using to create an interactive
"grid" whereby it pops up a dialog as a respond to your clicking?
2) Is google using something like scriptaculous, or rico or frameworks
to help them achieve this?


Thomas 'PointedEars' Lahn

disappearedng said:
I am interested in building something similar to Google's Calendar. My
questions are:
1) What library or function are they using to create an interactive
"grid" whereby it pops up a dialog as a respond to your clicking?
2) Is google using something like scriptaculous, or rico or frameworks
to help them achieve this?

Use the Source, Luke.



Hi everyone
I am interested in building something similar to Google's Calendar. My
questions are:
1) What library or function are they using to create an interactive
"grid" whereby it pops up a dialog as a respond to your clicking?

Probably code they wrote themselves. There’s a script file called
something like “calendarjs_doozercompiled__en.js” that you can look
at. It is minified and obfuscated so it might take some effort to
decipher it, here's the first couple of lines:

function aa(a,b){return a.scrollTop=b}function ba(a,b){return
a.filter=b}function da(a,b){return a.toString=b}function fa(a,b)
{return a.onreadystatechange=b}function ha(a,b){return a.length=b}
function ia(a,b){return a.position=b}function ja(a,b){return
a.cursor=b}function ka(a,b){return a.className=b}function la(a,b)
{return a.width=b}function ma(a,b){return a.text=b}function na(a,b)
{return a.overflowY=b}function oa(a,b){return a.overflowX=b}function pa
(a,b){return a.checked=b}
function qa(a,b){return a.next=b}function ra(a,b){return a.load=b}
function h(a,b){return a.innerHTML=b}function sa(a,b){return a.value=b}
function ta(a,b){return a.location=b}function ua(a,b){return
a.disabled=b}function va(a,b){return a.color=b}function wa(a,b){return
a.currentTarget=b}function xa(a,b){return a.backgroundColor=b}function
za(a,b){return a.background=b}function Aa(a,b){return a.left=b}
function Ba(a,b){return a.textDecoration=b}function Ca(a,b){return
function Da(a,b){return a.screenX=b}function Ea(a,b){return
a.screenY=b}function Fa(a,b){return a.remove=b}function Ga(a,b){return
a.start=b}function Ha(a,b){return a.cssText=b}function Ia(a,b){return
a.keyCode=b}function Ja(a,b){return a.forEach=b}function Ka(a,b)
{return a.marginRight=b}function La(a,b){return a.handleEvent=b}
function Ma(a,b){return a.removeNode=b}function Na(a,b){return
a.type=b}function Oa(a,b){return a.contains=b}function Qa(a,b){return

2) Is google using something like scriptaculous, or rico or frameworks
to help them achieve this?

“Something like” perhaps. There is no obvious evidence that they are
using someone else’s code, but they might be.

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