Dez Akin
In the effort to produce better software, formal specification systems
have been erected to prove some things about code. I stumbled upon the
LarchC++ system and it really intrigued me, but the last work seems to
have been done years ago, and no ones picked up on it. Have people
abandoned it out of some flaw in the specification design? It seems
that its a fairly readable spec language that is easy to embed into
source code and read.
Does it suck then, or did the people working on it just spontaneously
have been erected to prove some things about code. I stumbled upon the
LarchC++ system and it really intrigued me, but the last work seems to
have been done years ago, and no ones picked up on it. Have people
abandoned it out of some flaw in the specification design? It seems
that its a fairly readable spec language that is easy to embed into
source code and read.
Does it suck then, or did the people working on it just spontaneously