Just thought I'd play devil's advocate...
I tried wxPython briefly, and it had some nice features.
It has a huge list of dependencies.
I don't like the fonts (but I'd love to know how to get fixed fonts,
or at least anything that looks better on a small laptop screen.
TkInter seems much easier to use... less effort to do things.
TkInter does seem a lot easier to deal with, but it doesnt provide nearly
as many widgets as wxPython, and in my experience, it doesnt handle
drawing as well. wxPython has a relatively comprehensive control set. My
major gripe with wxPython is the speed (lack thereof, actaully). On my
pIII 800, using linux, most large wxPython applications are too slow to be
usable, whereas comparable pyGTK applications run very smoothly. Seeing as
the linux version of wxwindows is gtk based, i'm still not quite sure why
there is such a massive speed difference.
Ultimately, none of these ui api's are as 'pythonic' as I want them to be,
and wxPython in particular seems like a carbon copy of the C api, which
makes it lose points in my book.
On my system, at least, Wx is too slow for large programs so I would
really only use it to make little gui wrappers for convenience scripts,
and as I dont usually need a comprehensive widget collection for that, I
typically find Tk to be better suited, as there seems to be less overhead.
I do use Wx for programmatic drawing when PIL doesnt do quite enough.
Wx doesnt have a 'huge list of dependancies' but it is in and of itself an
unnecessary bulk. Tk comes with python and has a slightly more
pythonic api, so I just use it.
in any event, thats my incoherent thought for today.