2008/10/16 Raj Singh said:
What does it mean to have [] method at a class level? Where is the
documentation for it?
It is the empty array. Just type
[].class => Array
[].size => 0
It is not _the_ empty Array but _an_ empty Array. Things like [], ""
and '' are actually constructors for new objects. This is important to
keep in mind. Especially people coming from Java might get the wrong
impression, that
a = "foo"
b = "foo"
will create two variables pointing to the same object. In reality,
there are two variables pointing to two different objects. You can
easily see that from
$ ruby -e '4.times do p [[],"",'\'\''].map {|o|o.object_id} end'
[134314000, 134313990, 134313980]
[134313890, 134313880, 134313870]
[134313790, 134313780, 134313770]
[134313690, 134313680, 134313670]
Kind regards