For my ASP app which tracks tech support tickets, I have a report which
breaks down how much time each ticket spent in a particular status (there
are 7 statuses, and I am not trying to find out how much time in the status
of Closed) For display purposes, it takes a time value, displays it, and
then displays the same value in percentage form. SO if we spent 100 hours on
a ticket, and 34 hours were in the status of Coding, then it would say: 3
days, 7 hours, 0 Minutes, and 34%. (each day is a 9-hour day)
For the first 25 records, it works fine. Then on the 26th one, I get this
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'
/ticketlog/includes/functions.asp, line 59
Here is my code. First, I have this function:
Private Function MakePercent(Numerator,Denominator)
strResponse = (Numerator*100)/Denominator
intPos = inStr(cStr(strResponse),".")
if intPos = 0 then
MakePercent = Cstr(strResponse)&"%"
MakePercent = left(strResponse,intPos-1)&"%"
end if
End Function
then, I add the function to the value itself:
breaks down how much time each ticket spent in a particular status (there
are 7 statuses, and I am not trying to find out how much time in the status
of Closed) For display purposes, it takes a time value, displays it, and
then displays the same value in percentage form. SO if we spent 100 hours on
a ticket, and 34 hours were in the status of Coding, then it would say: 3
days, 7 hours, 0 Minutes, and 34%. (each day is a 9-hour day)
For the first 25 records, it works fine. Then on the 26th one, I get this
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'
/ticketlog/includes/functions.asp, line 59
Here is my code. First, I have this function:
Private Function MakePercent(Numerator,Denominator)
strResponse = (Numerator*100)/Denominator
intPos = inStr(cStr(strResponse),".")
if intPos = 0 then
MakePercent = Cstr(strResponse)&"%"
MakePercent = left(strResponse,intPos-1)&"%"
end if
End Function
then, I add the function to the value itself: