What is the best way to design GUI's in C?



According to you, what's best to design GUI's in C?

Someone told me to try GTK, but it's far from simple, mostly when
you're trying to do GUI's for Windows.

By the way, I write in C and compile in GCC under cygwin


CFran said:
According to you, what's best to design GUI's in C?

GUI design is platform/task specific, and off topic in c.l.c.
Someone told me to try GTK, but it's far from simple, mostly when
you're trying to do GUI's for Windows.

The choice of graphics libraries is dependent upon what you are trying
to do. For example, the same library used to make a simple data entry
form is probably not the same library used to make optimized 3D
By the way, I write in C and compile in GCC under cygwin

You would have better luck finding an answer in a cygwin related


Mark McIntyre

According to you, what's best to design GUI's in C?

Using GUI development tools. The ones that you use will depend on
what your employer likes or allows. My own opinion is that writing
windows gui apps in C is too painful and I'd write a C++ or C#
frontend using a toolkit like MFC or .Net. If my employer insisted on
C GUIs I'd probably move jobs... :)
Someone told me to try GTK, but it's far from simple, mostly when
you're trying to do GUI's for Windows.

<pedant alert>
by the way you do not apostrophise plurals.

Eric Sosman

Mark said:
Using GUI development tools. The ones that you use will depend on
what your employer likes or allows. My own opinion is that writing
windows gui apps in C is too painful and I'd write a C++ or C#
frontend using a toolkit like MFC or .Net. If my employer insisted on
C GUIs I'd probably move jobs... :)

<pedant alert>
by the way you do not apostrophise plurals.

<contrarian alert>

At least one reputable style guide for technical
writing recommends apostrophes to form the plurals of


Thus "GUI's" is fine even though "glitzy unnecessary
illusion's" would be incorrect.

(The cited page notes that two even more reputable
style guides discourage the practice as a rule, but
recommend it nonetheless when confusion might otherwise
result. "By the late 1990s most home computers used
version 1990s of MacroHard Doorways" would surely bring out
the red pencil.)

</contrarian alert>

<pedant alert>

By the way, you begin sentences with capital letters
and separate clauses with commas.

</pedant alert>

<smartass alert>

"Plurals! O plurals! O ye multiplicitous plurals!"

</smartass alert>

Mark McIntyre

<contrarian alert>

At least one reputable style guide for technical
writing recommends apostrophes to form the plurals of

you call NASA reputable!! :)

FWIW I dislike it, but in fact apostrophes are required when
pluralising capitalised abbreviations. .
result. "By the late 1990s

and numbers, though I personally find that hateful
</contrarian alert>

<pedant alert>

By the way, you begin sentences with capital letters
and separate clauses with commas.

there should be a comma after letters... :)

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