On Jul 28, 3:34 pm, "Michael W. Ryder" <
[email protected]>
RichardOnRails wrote:
I am new to Ruby and am still learning some of the basic stuff.
What's the method name for the Power operation(as in 'a' to the power
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Whoops. I forgot to paste in the program (sorry), which follows:
=begin # Note this comments out all lines until the=end
def power(a,b)
result=a**b # "a" should be "a.chomp.to_1"; ditto "b";
# the "chomp" removes the newline which the user presses
# "result" is unnecessary
result.to_i # does nothing
return result # unnecessary:
# Since we've eliminated everything else, the method
# has only one statement, i.e. the expression
# a ** b with the replacements suggestedabove
# Ruby returns the last statement's value
puts "a=" # use printf rather than puts (which appends a newline)
a.to_i # does nothing; "a" does not get change, and the
# is discarded
puts "b=" # same as "a"
b.to_i # ditto as for "a"
c=power(a,b) # numeric result assigned to c, probably an integer but
# not necessarily
puts "c=#{c}" # These final two lines might be more elegantly
# written in Ruby as suggested below
# The result of all these changes are the following 8 lines
# (plus blank lines); save them, say, as: Test.rb
# and run them as: ruby Test.rb
def power(a,b)
printf "a="
a = gets
print "b="
b = gets
puts "%d**%d = %d" % [a, b, power(a,b)]
As an "improvement" to your code I would take the chomp and to_i out of
the power function to make it more generic and add them after the gets.
Hi Michael,
Your point is well taken.
I did that for a newbie to point the stuff that's needs to be done to
get things working as he intends. He's not likely to look up "to_i"
to learn all its machinations.
In fact, there's one more that I would have thrown in, had I
remembered it: strip.
I do that in string-handlers I write:
1. in part, to remind myself what to_i would do for me automatically
2. in part, to guarantee that that stuff gets done even if new
versions of Ruby eliminate some helpful feature.
3. in part, because I might decide to extend a program using the input
string as though it contained only the digits that to_i revealed,
forgetting that a lot of "baggage" had been removed.
Perhaps having taught Computer Technology at AU in DC for a decade
gives me a different perspective than production program with a lean-
and-mean code perspective.
Do I make any sense?
Best wishes,