What language prefer for my idea?

Apr 1, 2022
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I'm going to write software. But I do not know which language and framework is suitable for this?
1- This program can be installed on web pages as well as Android.
2- The student using the program should have a personal page.
3- The system tests the student and then provides additional educational content and training recommendations to the student through artificial intelligence.
Mar 3, 2021
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Chances are, you'll need a range of languages here. You'll need a web service backend, for starters. I'd recommend Python, probably with the Flask framework. That'll handle the database, storing students' progress, and the AI recommendations (I don't know exactly how you'll need to handle this, but if any language can do it, Python should do just fine). You'll have plenty of HTML/JavaScript to write for the front end to handle the rest of the web site. There will be a lot of user experience design to be done and I'd recommend designing a responsive website that can handle mobile devices. A lot of Android apps are just wrappers for the services' web sites, so I'd recommend starting there instead of having to code an entire app from scratch. Once you get more time, resources, user base, etc, you can write stuff from scratch to better cater to the mobile device experience.
Apr 1, 2022
Reaction score
Chances are, you'll need a range of languages here. You'll need a web service backend, for starters. I'd recommend Python, probably with the Flask framework. That'll handle the database, storing students' progress, and the AI recommendations (I don't know exactly how you'll need to handle this, but if any language can do it, Python should do just fine). You'll have plenty of HTML/JavaScript to write for the front end to handle the rest of the web site. There will be a lot of user experience design to be done and I'd recommend designing a responsive website that can handle mobile devices. A lot of Android apps are just wrappers for the services' web sites, so I'd recommend starting there instead of having to code an entire app from scratch. Once you get more time, resources, user base, etc, you can write stuff from scratch to better cater to the mobile device experience.
thank you. good job.

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