what password obfuscation options are there in standard ruby on windows?



Hey All,

I've got to write a script that will contain a password in it & would
like to make at least a token effort at obfuscating (if not actually
encrypting) it.

It looks to me like the only encrypt-y thing in the standard libs is
String.crypt, which does a one-way hash. Is that right? So it's
looking to me like I can Base64.encode it, or else download crypt-fog
or some such thing.

I'm using v1.8 on windows, btw.



Jamey Cribbs

Hey All,

I've got to write a script that will contain a password in it & would
like to make at least a token effort at obfuscating (if not actually
encrypting) it.

It looks to me like the only encrypt-y thing in the standard libs is
String.crypt, which does a one-way hash. Is that right? So it's
looking to me like I can Base64.encode it, or else download crypt-fog
or some such thing.
I actually just wrote a pure-Ruby Vignere cipher encryption routine for
the next version of KirbyBase. The Vignere cipher is a substituion
cipher, like rot13, but it is a little more secure because it uses a key
to determine substition. Still not very secure, but something about the
name and the fact that it was developed hundreds of years ago appealed
to me. :)

Anyway, if you are interested, I could email you the code. It's not
pretty, but it works.

Jamey Cribbs

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Patrick Hurley

It looks to me like the only encrypt-y thing in the standard libs is
String.crypt, which does a one-way hash. Is that right? So it's
looking to me like I can Base64.encode it, or else download crypt-fog
or some such thing.

Check out digest and use your choice of md5, sha1, sha2, etc...



Hmm... to quote ri: "Nothing known about digest." 8^)

Oh wait, here it is in the pickaxe book. Looks like this only does
hashes tho--I think I'm going to need something 2-way I think. I want
to "encrypt" the pwd & hard-code the "ciphertext" into my script & have
the script "decrypt" said ciphertext at run time.




Aye--thanks. I actually saw that & followed the openssl rabbit down
the hole until I got to the whole "here's the source--get you a
compiler & have at it" part.

I need to run my script from several computers, all of which are
scheduled for OS upgrades (read: hd wipes) in the near future. So I
was hoping for something that comes right out of the box w/ruby, so I
wouldn't have to remember where I got something & how I installed it.

But this is pretty low-priority stuff--I'm just trying to keep out the
shoulder-surfers. So if I have to do base64, that's far from tragic.

So is this a good place to agitate/whine for the inclusion of some of
the all-ruby crypto algorithms out there in the standard lib? Maybe
nothing's ready for prime-time? Maybe it's better to try to get it in
the windows one-click installer, on the theory that the unixies (and
macsters?) all have openssl?

Thanks all,



So is this a good place to agitate/whine for the inclusion of some of
the all-ruby crypto algorithms out there in the standard lib? Maybe
nothing's ready for prime-time? Maybe it's better to try to get it in
the windows one-click installer, on the theory that the unixies (and
macsters?) all have openssl?

Dunno about that, but there seem to be some entries under the
Cryptography category in RAA[1], some of them pure ruby(like

Of course, nothing would beat having a pure-ruby crypto lib in the
standard distribution.


1: http://raa.ruby-lang.org/cat.rhtml?category_major=Library;category_minor=Cryptography

Bertram Scharpf


Am Samstag, 02. Apr 2005, 05:14:44 +0900 schrieb (e-mail address removed):
I've got to write a script that will contain a password in it & would
like to make at least a token effort at obfuscating (if not actually
encrypting) it.

It looks to me like the only encrypt-y thing in the standard libs is
String.crypt, which does a one-way hash. Is that right? So it's
looking to me like I can Base64.encode it, or else download crypt-fog
or some such thing.

Do you mean this?



Daniel Berger

Aye--thanks. I actually saw that & followed the openssl rabbit down
the hole until I got to the whole "here's the source--get you a
compiler & have at it" part.

I need to run my script from several computers, all of which are
scheduled for OS upgrades (read: hd wipes) in the near future. So I
was hoping for something that comes right out of the box w/ruby, so I
wouldn't have to remember where I got something & how I installed it.

The one-click installer for windows comes with openssl builtin. From
the release notes:

Contents: Version:
-------- --------
Ruby 1.8.2
RubyGems 0.8.3
Tcl/Tk 1.8.1
SciTE 1.59
FreeRIDE 0.9.2
HelpFile 3a
FXRuby 1.2.2
GLUT 3.7.6
OpenGL 0.23b
OpenSSL 0.9.7e
Expat 1.95.7
XMLParser 0.6.8
HTMLParser 19990912p2
zlib-lib 1.2.1
ZLib 0.6.0
RubyDBI 0.0.23
DBD/ODBC 0.994
DBD/oracle 0.2.11
RubyMock 1.1
SWin 040314
VRuby 040306
log4r 1.0.5




Hmmm... confusing. I do find files called ssl.rb here:

"C:\Program Files\Ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\webrick\ssl.rb"


"C:\Program Files\Ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\drb\ssl.rb"

And I've even got an OpenSSL folder under Samples. But none of the
samples seem to work, and irb says:

irb(main):001:0> require 'openssl'
LoadError: No such file to load -- openssl
from (irb):1:in `require'
from (irb):1

Any advice? Maybe I need to re-install?



Daniel Berger

Hmmm... confusing. I do find files called ssl.rb here:

"C:\Program Files\Ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\webrick\ssl.rb"


"C:\Program Files\Ruby\lib\ruby\1.8\drb\ssl.rb"

And I've even got an OpenSSL folder under Samples. But none of the
samples seem to work, and irb says:

irb(main):001:0> require 'openssl'
LoadError: No such file to load -- openssl
from (irb):1:in `require'
from (irb):1

Any advice? Maybe I need to re-install?

Works for me:

irb(main):001:0> require "openssl"
=> true

Looks like either you have an old version of the installer or it got
borked somehow. A "ruby -v" should return the following:

ruby 1.8.2 (2004-12-25) [i386-mswin32]

My suggestion is to grab the latest installer and re-install.



Ben Giddings

I've got to write a script that will contain a password in it & would
like to make at least a token effort at obfuscating (if not actually
encrypting) it.

It looks to me like the only encrypt-y thing in the standard libs is
String.crypt, which does a one-way hash. Is that right? So it's
looking to me like I can Base64.encode it, or else download crypt-fog
or some such thing.

There's also 'cyphersaber' on RAA. It adds methods to string to encrypt
and decrypt. I haven't used it much but it seems good (commercial
restrictions though).


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