What Ruby versions are still active?


Tim Hunter

I'm preparing the next release of RMagick. Are enough people still
using 1.6.7 and 1.6.8 that I need to test with those versions?

paul vudmaska

Tim said:
I'm preparing the next release of RMagick. Are enough people still
using 1.6.7 and 1.6.8 that I need to test with those versions?
Rootr.net, my isp is using 1.6x. I think there are a few of us there
using ruby. However, I dont think they are supporting it until the
upgrade to the next version anyway.
So it may not be a problem. I for one can wait. Nice product!


Mark Hubbart

My webhost is running 1.6.x, and Apple still hasn't updated to 1.8.x
(you listening, Apple?!?). But then, I can compile 1.8 on my webhost if
I need to, and I already have it compiled for when I need it at home.

Charles Comstock

Tim said:
I'm preparing the next release of RMagick. Are enough people still
using 1.6.7 and 1.6.8 that I need to test with those version.

I don't know if it's possible, but a really useful function which would
be similar to convolve but add some extra functionality, is if a
function was written yields the area you would otherwise convolve over,
and whatever your function returns it takes as the central value. So if
you had a 100x100 pixel image,

and you called say

imagemap(5,5) do |area|
max = 0
min = 255
5.times do |i|
5.times do |j|
max = max(area[i,j],max)
min = min(area[i,j],min)
max - area[i,j] > area[i,j] - min ? min : max

where area would be a Matrix I guess or nested arrays, though the Matrix
would probably be nicer. That or just a function that directly returns
a Matrix like accessor to the raw image data, but saves to it still
change the original data.

Something like that would be nice anyway, RMagick is nice cause it
understands all the image formats, but it seems like it would be nice to
have some direct image pixel manipulation, not just the line drawing system.

Matrix style accessors instead of the flat arrays would be nice overall


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