John Cho
class fracpri{
int whole;
int numer;
int denom;
// constructors:
fracpri(int w, int n, int d);
fracpri(float f); // float to class constructor
// member functions to show output and get input
void getFraction();
void showFraction();
// function and operators to do artimathetic
fracpri addfracts(fracpri &obj1, fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator+(fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator-(fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator*(fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator/(fracpri &obj2);
// adding with constants
friend fracpri operator +(int i, fracpri &obj2);
friend fracpri operator +(fracpri &obj1, int i);
// the compare operator, <
bool operator<(fracpri &obj2);
// the += operator
fracpri& operator+=(fracpri &obj2);
// overloading the input and output, >> and << operators.
friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& in, fracpri& obj2);
// std:: is used because
friend std:stream& operator<< (std:stream& out, fracpri const&
// namespace std is after it
void reduce();
operator float(); // class to float conversion
using namespace std; // namespace needs to be after any use of
// or else msvc++ 6.0 gives errors
whole = 0;
numer = 0;
denom = 1; // it is set as 1 so the adding fractions
works with a
// common denominator and not 0
fracpri::fracpri(int w, int n, int d){
whole = w;
numer = n;
denom = d;
if(denom == 0)
denom = 1;
fracpri::fracpri(float f){ //float type to class type constructor
f += 0.0078125; // .0078125 so numerator is rounded up later
whole = int(f);
float flofrac = f - whole; // the fraction part of the number
numer = (flofrac * 64); // .0078125 * 64 = .5 ; so rounded up
// if orignal fraction
denom = 64;
void fracpri::getFraction(){
char ch;
cout << "Enter a stock price in the form of " << endl;
cout << "wholenumber-numerator-denominator" << endl;
cin >> whole >> ch >> numer >> ch >> denom;
if(denom == 0)
denom = 1; // fix the denom if it is 0
void fracpri::showFraction(){
cout << "The stock price is: " << endl;
cout << whole << ' ' << numer << '/' << denom << endl;
fracpri fracpri::addfracts(fracpri &obj1, fracpri &obj2){
whole = obj1.whole + obj2.whole;
numer = (obj1.numer * obj2.denom) + (obj2.numer * obj1.denom);
denom = obj1.denom * obj2.denom;
return *this;
fracpri fracpri:perator +(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp; // temp is here because *this would modify
// the first object or a in
// c = a + b
temp.whole = whole + obj2.whole;
temp.numer = (numer * obj2.denom) + (obj2.numer * denom);
temp.denom = denom * obj2.denom;
return temp;
fracpri fracpri:perator -(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
// they are converted to improper fractions
// because the second fraction may be larger than the
// first and may cause the final fraction to be negative
// and the whole number to be positive
temp.whole = whole - obj2.whole;
temp.numer = ((whole * denom + numer)*obj2.denom) - ((obj2.whole *
obj2.denom + obj2.numer)*denom);
temp.denom = denom * obj2.denom;
return temp;
fracpri fracpri:perator *(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
// convert both to improper
temp.numer = ((whole * denom) + numer) * ((obj2.whole * obj2.denom)
+ obj2.numer);
// the denominator is the two fractions denominators multiplied
temp.denom = denom * obj2.denom;
temp.whole = temp.numer/temp.denom;
temp.numer %= temp.denom;
return temp;
fracpri fracpri:perator /(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
// convert both to improper
temp.numer = ((whole * denom) + numer) * obj2.denom;
temp.denom = denom * ((obj2.whole * obj2.denom) + obj2.numer);
temp.whole = temp.numer/temp.denom;
temp.numer %= temp.denom;
return temp;
fracpri operator+(int i, fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
temp.whole = i + obj2.whole;
temp.numer = obj2.numer;
temp.denom = obj2.denom;
return temp;
fracpri operator+(fracpri &obj1, int i){
fracpri temp;
temp.whole = obj1.whole + i;
temp.numer = obj1.numer;
temp.denom = obj1.denom;
return temp;
bool fracpri:perator<(fracpri &obj2){
// each fractions is multiplied by the other fraction's denominator
so that both fractions
// numerators are the result of a common denominator, which is denom
// each fraction's orignal denominator cancels out when the common
denominator is multiplied
// to each of the fractions.
if(((whole * denom + numer)*obj2.denom) < ((obj2.whole * obj2.denom
+ numer)* denom))
return true;
return false;
fracpri& fracpri:perator +=(fracpri &obj2){
whole += obj2.whole; // same as whole = whole + obj2.whole
numer = (numer * obj2.denom) + (obj2.numer * denom);
denom *= obj2.denom; // same as denom = denom * obj2.denom
return *this;
istream& operator >>(istream &in, fracpri &obj2){
char ch;
in >> obj2.whole >> ch >> obj2.numer >> ch >> obj2.denom;
if(obj2.denom == 0)
obj2.denom = 1;
return in;
ostream& operator <<(ostream &out, fracpri const& obj2){
out << obj2.whole << ' ' << obj2.numer ;
out << '/' << obj2.denom;
return out;
fracpri:perator float(){ // class type to float type
// float cast is needed because int divided by int results in int
and not float
// however float divided by int equals a float
float f = float(numer)/denom;
return f + whole;
void fracpri::reduce(){
while(numer >= denom){
numer -= denom;
int count = numer * denom; // a common denominator
for(; count > 1; count--){
if((numer % count == 0) && (denom % count == 0)){ // if count fits
into both
numer /= count; // numerator and denominator without a
denom /= count; // then divide both of them by that
// and then continue to count down
int main(){
int choice = 0; // used check if the calculations
should be reran
fracpri stock1; // a. 0 argument constructor
fracpri stock2(5,1,3); // b. 3 argument constructor
float decimal = 0.0;
fracpri stock[3];
cout << "Enter two stock prices that will then be used" << endl;
cout << "with all the functions of this program" << endl;
cout << "Enter a stock price using getFraction" << endl;
stock[0].getFraction(); // c. getfraction function
cout << "Enter a stock price using >> operator" << endl;
cout << "In the form of whole-numerator-denominator" << endl;
cin >> stock[1]; // l. the >> operator
cout << "Using addfracts function and << operator" << endl;
stock[2].addfracts(stock[0], stock[1]); //e. addfracts
cout << stock[2] << endl;;
cout << "Using + operator, overloaded, and showFraction() function"
<< endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] + stock[1]; // f. + , -, *, and / overloaded
cout << "Using - operator, overloaded, and << overloaded" << endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] - stock[1]; // f.
cout << stock[2] << endl;
cout << "Using * operator, overloaded, and << overloaded" << endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] * stock[1]; // f.
cout << stock[2] << endl;
cout << "Using / operator, overloaded, and showFraction() function"
<< endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] / stock[1]; // f.
cout << "Using constant +, overloaed, and << overloaded" << endl;
stock[2] = 5 + stock[0]; // g. 5 + fracpri
cout << stock[2] << endl;
cout << "Using + constant, overloaded, and showFraction() function"
<< endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] + 5; // g. fracpri + 5
cout << "Using the < operator, overloaded." << endl;
if((stock[0] < stock[1]) == 1) // h. < overloaded
cout << "True" << endl;
else if((stock[0] < stock[1]) == 0)
cout << "False" << endl;
cout << "The += operator overloaded and using the showFraction()
function" << endl;
stock[0] += stock[1]; // k. += overloaded
choice = 0; // reset choice to 0 so the menu pops up and
the previous stuff does
// not continue
while(choice != 3 && choice != 4){
cout << "Enter a choice" << endl;
cout << "Press 1 to convert decimal to fraction using a class
constructor" << endl;
cout << "Press 2 to convert fraction to a decimal using float
overloaded, a cast overload" << endl;
cout << "Press 3 to rerun the program" << endl;
cout << "Press 4 to quit the program" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 1){
cout << "Enter a decimal" << endl;
cin >> decimal;
fracpri stock5 = decimal; // m. decimal to fraction
// fracpri stock5 = decimal
uses a constructor to convert
// and it is the same as doing
fracpri stock5(decimal)
// the fracpri stock5 is
destroyed when the if(choice ==1)
// scope gets destroyed, so
the constructor always works.
cout << "In fraction form the decimal is" << endl;
cout << stock5 << endl;
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
else if(choice == 2){
cout << "Enter a fraction" << endl;
cin >> stock[2];
decimal = stock[2]; // m. fraction to decimal
cout << "In decimal form the fraction is" << endl;
cout << decimal << endl;
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
else if(choice != 3 && choice != 4){
cout << "Invalid entry, please try agian" << endl;
}while(choice != 4);
return 0;
class fracpri{
int whole;
int numer;
int denom;
// constructors:
fracpri(int w, int n, int d);
fracpri(float f); // float to class constructor
// member functions to show output and get input
void getFraction();
void showFraction();
// function and operators to do artimathetic
fracpri addfracts(fracpri &obj1, fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator+(fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator-(fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator*(fracpri &obj2);
fracpri operator/(fracpri &obj2);
// adding with constants
friend fracpri operator +(int i, fracpri &obj2);
friend fracpri operator +(fracpri &obj1, int i);
// the compare operator, <
bool operator<(fracpri &obj2);
// the += operator
fracpri& operator+=(fracpri &obj2);
// overloading the input and output, >> and << operators.
friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream& in, fracpri& obj2);
// std:: is used because
friend std:stream& operator<< (std:stream& out, fracpri const&
// namespace std is after it
void reduce();
operator float(); // class to float conversion
using namespace std; // namespace needs to be after any use of
// or else msvc++ 6.0 gives errors
whole = 0;
numer = 0;
denom = 1; // it is set as 1 so the adding fractions
works with a
// common denominator and not 0
fracpri::fracpri(int w, int n, int d){
whole = w;
numer = n;
denom = d;
if(denom == 0)
denom = 1;
fracpri::fracpri(float f){ //float type to class type constructor
f += 0.0078125; // .0078125 so numerator is rounded up later
whole = int(f);
float flofrac = f - whole; // the fraction part of the number
numer = (flofrac * 64); // .0078125 * 64 = .5 ; so rounded up
// if orignal fraction
denom = 64;
void fracpri::getFraction(){
char ch;
cout << "Enter a stock price in the form of " << endl;
cout << "wholenumber-numerator-denominator" << endl;
cin >> whole >> ch >> numer >> ch >> denom;
if(denom == 0)
denom = 1; // fix the denom if it is 0
void fracpri::showFraction(){
cout << "The stock price is: " << endl;
cout << whole << ' ' << numer << '/' << denom << endl;
fracpri fracpri::addfracts(fracpri &obj1, fracpri &obj2){
whole = obj1.whole + obj2.whole;
numer = (obj1.numer * obj2.denom) + (obj2.numer * obj1.denom);
denom = obj1.denom * obj2.denom;
return *this;
fracpri fracpri:perator +(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp; // temp is here because *this would modify
// the first object or a in
// c = a + b
temp.whole = whole + obj2.whole;
temp.numer = (numer * obj2.denom) + (obj2.numer * denom);
temp.denom = denom * obj2.denom;
return temp;
fracpri fracpri:perator -(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
// they are converted to improper fractions
// because the second fraction may be larger than the
// first and may cause the final fraction to be negative
// and the whole number to be positive
temp.whole = whole - obj2.whole;
temp.numer = ((whole * denom + numer)*obj2.denom) - ((obj2.whole *
obj2.denom + obj2.numer)*denom);
temp.denom = denom * obj2.denom;
return temp;
fracpri fracpri:perator *(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
// convert both to improper
temp.numer = ((whole * denom) + numer) * ((obj2.whole * obj2.denom)
+ obj2.numer);
// the denominator is the two fractions denominators multiplied
temp.denom = denom * obj2.denom;
temp.whole = temp.numer/temp.denom;
temp.numer %= temp.denom;
return temp;
fracpri fracpri:perator /(fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
// convert both to improper
temp.numer = ((whole * denom) + numer) * obj2.denom;
temp.denom = denom * ((obj2.whole * obj2.denom) + obj2.numer);
temp.whole = temp.numer/temp.denom;
temp.numer %= temp.denom;
return temp;
fracpri operator+(int i, fracpri &obj2){
fracpri temp;
temp.whole = i + obj2.whole;
temp.numer = obj2.numer;
temp.denom = obj2.denom;
return temp;
fracpri operator+(fracpri &obj1, int i){
fracpri temp;
temp.whole = obj1.whole + i;
temp.numer = obj1.numer;
temp.denom = obj1.denom;
return temp;
bool fracpri:perator<(fracpri &obj2){
// each fractions is multiplied by the other fraction's denominator
so that both fractions
// numerators are the result of a common denominator, which is denom
// each fraction's orignal denominator cancels out when the common
denominator is multiplied
// to each of the fractions.
if(((whole * denom + numer)*obj2.denom) < ((obj2.whole * obj2.denom
+ numer)* denom))
return true;
return false;
fracpri& fracpri:perator +=(fracpri &obj2){
whole += obj2.whole; // same as whole = whole + obj2.whole
numer = (numer * obj2.denom) + (obj2.numer * denom);
denom *= obj2.denom; // same as denom = denom * obj2.denom
return *this;
istream& operator >>(istream &in, fracpri &obj2){
char ch;
in >> obj2.whole >> ch >> obj2.numer >> ch >> obj2.denom;
if(obj2.denom == 0)
obj2.denom = 1;
return in;
ostream& operator <<(ostream &out, fracpri const& obj2){
out << obj2.whole << ' ' << obj2.numer ;
out << '/' << obj2.denom;
return out;
fracpri:perator float(){ // class type to float type
// float cast is needed because int divided by int results in int
and not float
// however float divided by int equals a float
float f = float(numer)/denom;
return f + whole;
void fracpri::reduce(){
while(numer >= denom){
numer -= denom;
int count = numer * denom; // a common denominator
for(; count > 1; count--){
if((numer % count == 0) && (denom % count == 0)){ // if count fits
into both
numer /= count; // numerator and denominator without a
denom /= count; // then divide both of them by that
// and then continue to count down
int main(){
int choice = 0; // used check if the calculations
should be reran
fracpri stock1; // a. 0 argument constructor
fracpri stock2(5,1,3); // b. 3 argument constructor
float decimal = 0.0;
fracpri stock[3];
cout << "Enter two stock prices that will then be used" << endl;
cout << "with all the functions of this program" << endl;
cout << "Enter a stock price using getFraction" << endl;
stock[0].getFraction(); // c. getfraction function
cout << "Enter a stock price using >> operator" << endl;
cout << "In the form of whole-numerator-denominator" << endl;
cin >> stock[1]; // l. the >> operator
cout << "Using addfracts function and << operator" << endl;
stock[2].addfracts(stock[0], stock[1]); //e. addfracts
cout << stock[2] << endl;;
cout << "Using + operator, overloaded, and showFraction() function"
<< endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] + stock[1]; // f. + , -, *, and / overloaded
cout << "Using - operator, overloaded, and << overloaded" << endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] - stock[1]; // f.
cout << stock[2] << endl;
cout << "Using * operator, overloaded, and << overloaded" << endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] * stock[1]; // f.
cout << stock[2] << endl;
cout << "Using / operator, overloaded, and showFraction() function"
<< endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] / stock[1]; // f.
cout << "Using constant +, overloaed, and << overloaded" << endl;
stock[2] = 5 + stock[0]; // g. 5 + fracpri
cout << stock[2] << endl;
cout << "Using + constant, overloaded, and showFraction() function"
<< endl;
stock[2] = stock[0] + 5; // g. fracpri + 5
cout << "Using the < operator, overloaded." << endl;
if((stock[0] < stock[1]) == 1) // h. < overloaded
cout << "True" << endl;
else if((stock[0] < stock[1]) == 0)
cout << "False" << endl;
cout << "The += operator overloaded and using the showFraction()
function" << endl;
stock[0] += stock[1]; // k. += overloaded
choice = 0; // reset choice to 0 so the menu pops up and
the previous stuff does
// not continue
while(choice != 3 && choice != 4){
cout << "Enter a choice" << endl;
cout << "Press 1 to convert decimal to fraction using a class
constructor" << endl;
cout << "Press 2 to convert fraction to a decimal using float
overloaded, a cast overload" << endl;
cout << "Press 3 to rerun the program" << endl;
cout << "Press 4 to quit the program" << endl;
cin >> choice;
if(choice == 1){
cout << "Enter a decimal" << endl;
cin >> decimal;
fracpri stock5 = decimal; // m. decimal to fraction
// fracpri stock5 = decimal
uses a constructor to convert
// and it is the same as doing
fracpri stock5(decimal)
// the fracpri stock5 is
destroyed when the if(choice ==1)
// scope gets destroyed, so
the constructor always works.
cout << "In fraction form the decimal is" << endl;
cout << stock5 << endl;
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
else if(choice == 2){
cout << "Enter a fraction" << endl;
cin >> stock[2];
decimal = stock[2]; // m. fraction to decimal
cout << "In decimal form the fraction is" << endl;
cout << decimal << endl;
cin.ignore(INT_MAX, '\n');
else if(choice != 3 && choice != 4){
cout << "Invalid entry, please try agian" << endl;
}while(choice != 4);
return 0;